Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Spiral of Trust
Title: Chapter 29 An ordinary vacation trip 11 Jun 2015 4:34 am
Reviewer: tb_ll57 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow, I didn't expect the nightclubs to come back into the plot so explosively! This is such a well-constructed story, every detail has meaning.

    Snape's fury and despair seem to indicate he's assuming the worst with Harry missing, which in its way is touching-- parents always assume the worst, and blame themselves for failing to keep their children safe. If he shifts so quickly into that mode of horror and self-reproachment he's clearly come to care for Harry more than ever. But Mrs Steady makes a very good point when she says Snape and Dumbledore and even the Weasleys have always dictated to Harry, whereas she's had to treat him as a reasoning adult-- and when she hasn't, Harry has pushed back on her far more than he's done with his teachers or the Weasleys. It's a difficult situation for everyone, even though it's clear Harry fought as well as they could hope for, like an adult whose first concern is the safety of those around him...

    Author's Response:

    I must acknowledge that the night-club milieu is not a one I have extensive experience of :-) Although, Ginny’s character seemed to crave that sort of action, so I did my best to imagine those scenes.


    The point with introducing Mrs Steadfast as an ’original character’ in this story - beside the fact that I wanted a witch on a leading position to match and interact with Snape as the headmaster - was that she came into the story with fresh eyes. Having lived for twenty years in the States, she does not have the same notions and prejudices about Harry Potter and about the war as other people do. So her character helps with picturing Harry as the more mature teenager that he has become.

Title: Chapter 25 The limit of a Grief Swallower 10 Jun 2015 11:56 am
Reviewer: Guest101 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really like your story and your writing style, eben though I usually read/enjoy stories with a touch more angst in them. But then again, those are more often than not ones with a slighty younger Harry :-).
    I know hat you, like me are not a native speaker, and I am impressed, how good you write in a language, which is not yours. As I am not a native speaker, too, I am not 100% sure, but I think, hat you often use "ironically", when you mean "sarcastically" - Snape in the book is often described as ''sarcastic'', not ''ironic'' :-) Butstill, I thoroughly enjoy your story! Keep calm and write on!

    Author's Response: Thank you for enjoying the story! I think that you might be right about the choice of words. I tried to look it up. In my native language "sarcastic" is a stronger word tnat "ironic" and implies that you are deliberately out to be mean - and I guess in a way that it fits perfectly with Snape... Altough in this story I wanted to gradually change Snape into a less mean person, and that might be why I chose ironical instead. Either way, when I think about it, I believe that it should be "..., he said sarcastically" or maybe "..., he said with irony in his voice" but not "..., he said ironically" - I belive the last one does not sound right, so I am going to revise that in the text. Thank you for pointing it out! 
Title: Chapter 28 Precautions and Preparations 06 Jun 2015 11:06 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    Gah! Cliffie!

    Should I be suspicious of Ginny? Or am I descending to Mad Eye levels of paranoia? I guess I'm always a bit suspicious of her character in whatever story I read. Too much fanfiction :-)

    I'm becoming more solidified in my guess as to Harry's future career.

    I also enjoyed reading Ron's explanation about doing something because you want to and not because someone else wants you to. I think this is something Harry desperately needs to internalize and emulate. I want to think Ron expounded upon his reasoning for Harry's benefit and not the benefit of the discussion they were having. Sort of a subtle nudge to Harry. That Ron see's how Harry was guided in most of his decisions in the past. But, that is probably my own speculation and imagination at work.

    Anyhoo, love the updates as always and can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: Mad Eye Moody, is that you :-)? That would explain your extreme reticence to grant Snape a ghost of chance ever since the beginning of this story... But to extend your suspicions to Ginny... Hmm... seriously, you're right in-so-much that Ginny is not that uncomplicated sweet girl character that one might be misled to believe - but would she really do anything deliberately to hurt Harry? I guess you'll have to wait and see :-)
Title: Chapter 27 The Threat 06 Jun 2015 10:39 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    I think this is the first time in this story Harry was able to misdirect or outright lie to Snape and get away with it. I'm referring to the password discussion.

    I like how Kingsley was able to re-enforce the idea that Harry needs to fight back, especially towards authority, in order to protect himself.

    Author's Response: Yes, the fighting back is a theme that repeats itself. It was a bit ironical, though, don't you think, that Kinglsey came up with this just as Snape and Harry had had that conversation after class and actually sorted some things out? 
Title: Chapter 28 Precautions and Preparations 06 Jun 2015 1:36 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Loving this at the moment, cant wait to see where they are off to :)

    Author's Response: Thanks! I'm actually pretty excited about the coming chapters as well :-) I will be updating in a few days from now.
Title: Chapter 28 Precautions and Preparations 05 Jun 2015 8:45 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    I absolutely loved reading the parts in the newspaper from James' relative and Tobias Snape - markedly developed characterizations for how shortly they were mentioned. Well done! I am intrigued by all the potions being experimented on. I wonder if they will let Harry use them on Snape? Will Snape allow it? Does he even have a choice? I do know that he does not want his private life out there for everyone to know about. He is very private. Fantastic chapter. I am absolutely loving this story! Thanks so much for all the updates and the developed plot! The original parts about magic and the characters are great. I can't wait to read more about Snape! Please update when you can!

    Author's Response: Thank you! Tobias Snape should be an important character when you try to approach and explain the enigma Severus Snape... I'm sorry I can't have more of him in this story... There will be more about the Veritaserum they are experimenting on, however :-)
Title: Chapter 28 Precautions and Preparations 04 Jun 2015 1:33 pm
Reviewer: A-zla (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Nice chapter, too. I'm glad that there are finally some good news for Harry and Snape in the newspaper...

    Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, it was about time :-)
Title: Chapter 27 The Threat 04 Jun 2015 1:19 pm
Reviewer: A-zla (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very nice chapter! I'm wondering what Hermione has planned - she will be an awesome lawyer, I'm sure!

    Author's Response: Thanks! We will eventually see Hermione doing the lawyer part, in some chapters from here :-)
Title: Chapter 28 Precautions and Preparations 04 Jun 2015 9:45 am
Reviewer: BlueWater5 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great update! Poor Snape, having his background fodder for the press. Glad he has strong allies. Evil cliffhanger ...

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for reviewing. Yes, that was an embarrassing exposure of Snape’s privacy in the press. But at least it put an end to the speculations about his parentage to Voldemort. We’re into a new build-up phase of the story and soon there will be some more drama!

Title: Chapter 27 The Threat 03 Jun 2015 4:39 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    The idea that there is a spy watching Severus and Harry inside Hogwarts is unnerving. Harry's sudden tiredness doesn't sound good either. Looking forward to finding out more in the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    I believe Harry’s tiredness is a symptom of the fact that he’s probably more affected than he wants to admit to himself, both because of what they wrote in the Daily Prophet about Lily and because of witnessing Snape’s collapse. Other readers have, like you, expressed their concern for Harry. However, he is (sadly) used to pull himself together without much help from others, so a proper break-down might happen rather later than expected… as you will have noticed if you’ve read the next chapter… I only wanted you to get a glimpse of Harry’s vulnerability, before he pulled himself together, yet another time… 

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