Reviews For Spiral of Trust
Author's Response: Thanks :-)
Author's Response: Thanks! Harry's animagus will not be revealed for the time being. Prof McGonagall is upset with Harry but not to the point of betraying him. Maybe you've read chapter 24 by now, otherwise, please do so :-)
Author's Response: Thank you!
I also loved seeing Harry's reaction (the knives into the door where Snape had just been) and a crack in his facade as well. This is one time where Harry has more experience and knowledge that Snape LOL Author's Response: Thanks!
I love the magic you create and use in this story. I just love it! So many authors write in the HP fandom but rarely have magic in their stories. A perfect example is Harry conjuring his tea cup and floating the milk and teapot. Of course magical students would take every opportunity to use magic for every little thing. Oh, and the thing with the newspapers transfigured into various flying creatures? Awesome! But, the continued actions of Snape towards Harry are breaking my heart every time a new chapter comes out. Also, Harry is being driven to the ground day by day and won't push back or take action. He's being defeated by those he saved. And reacting to school mate taunts with a hex is not taking action. It's reacting that does no good. He still has a lot to learn. His reputation and chances of a happy future in Brittan are kaput at this point IMHO. Even if the journalism profession is completely overhauled, the name of Potter is now suspicious and not to be trusted. There's no un-doing this kind of thing. He could jump through hoops for the rest of his life trying to prove himself again and again to people who don't deserve it and it'll change nothing. And Steadfast, WTF is her problem? I seriously want to smack her. She is frequently unprofessional and obviously does not work well with a team ie: sharing info and instructions. Like that Harry was supposed to inform her of his school yard fights?? If she was such a great auror, she'd already be investigating this w/o Harry having to spoon feed her. /rant *sheepish* sorry about that ;-) Sigh, if I were harry, I would be bitterly regretting fighting voldemort instead of just warning all his loved one's of his plans to not fight and leaving the UK. The "people" don't deserve Harry nor his blood, sweat, magic and sacrifice. I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel for these two. I also hope the Daily prophet is exposed for the propaganda machine they really are. Sigh... one can only wish :-) Ok, last point: Are we going to address Snape's thievery? i'm sorry, I just can't mentally let it go. But I will refrain from mentioning it again. Author's Response: Thanks for the long review, it's entertaining :-) I promise: in two chapters, the "thievery" will be adressed!
Author's Response: Thank you! And there will be more of that compassion in the next chapter…
Author's Response: I can just imagine that during a drive in the press like the one Snape and Harry are subjected to it is difficult for anyone to stay objective. Unfortunately, even the ones supposed to be on your side will be influenced and a little biased, I think. The reactions of Mrs Steadfast, Mme Pomfrey and of Prof McGonagall illustrate just that.
Author's Response: Thank you! Nice to know that scene worked out and, yes, it's finally time for S to show that he is human after all :-)
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing and for your observation about unfinished things. My answer is that I do have a plan, mostly. I have ”planted” several things that will be ”picked up” and explained later on in the story. I worry a bit, though, that the story is too slow and that you have to wait too long to get some answers and that the readers will get frustrated, or wonder, like you, if it will not lead anywhere… Maybe it is this thing with posting once a weak - maybe you would get another impression if you were to read the chapters in more rapid succession… Or maybe it is simply my inexperience as a writer - this is after all my first fanfiction story :-)
The Acromantula paper will be brought up again in exactly three chapters from now. The incompetent healer will make a reappearance later on in the story, but in her case, like you said, my point is more to show that there are, also in real life, people around, even authorities, even professionals, who are incompetent and who make bad decisions and that you simply have to deal with, in some way or other.
Thank you for appreciating the portrayal of the characters. I try not to make them too unidimensional. And I prefer, in this story, both Snape and Harry to be resourceful rather than helpless and broken, without acquiring that impersonal status of Super power wizards, however.
Author's Response: Thanks! Rita Skeeter is not finished yet with plaguing our heroes, alas! Much more coming any day now :-) |
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