Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Spiral of Trust
Title: Chapter 11 A Strangling Incantation 11 Mar 2015 7:44 pm
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm happy to see an update to this most engaging story. Major points again for the very creative invention of new magic and spells. I love reading it each chapter. I could totally visualize the shield and turning it from protection to containment. Well done!

    I'll be honest, I'm mentally throwing my hands in the air and giving up on Snape. This is like an alcoholic that refuses help over an over again. Finally, people around them just have to step back and let them hit rock bottom. I'm this close to not caring about him. There is only so much drama one can take and defend.

    Plus, I don't actually think he's the best person for reconciliation. My impression is that he doesn't give a sh%t about it, only his own agenda. Actions speak louder than words and his actions...well, they don't really lend themselves to reconciliation do they? Did I miss something?

    Whew! You've done well in getting me emotionally engaged in the story and the characters, even if I want to give up on Snape ;-)

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you're engaged! I take on the challenge to make you change your mind about Snape before this story is over :-) I don't say that I'm sure I will succeed, but I will do my very best. I understand that I'm not doing so well until now, but just you wait and see...

    That said, I completely agree with you that with some people (those afflicted by addictions, or some personality disorders for example) you do best to just stay away from them. I believe that Harry is actually trying to do precisely that, but that he is thrown in Snape's way by different circumstances all the time. It is particularly difficult if the person you're dealing with and need to stay away from is, let's say, a parent, an employer, or, like in this case, a teacher and a headmaster, who you are dependant on. All you can do, then, is to find a way to manoeuvre around that person and minimise the damage they can cause you. 

Title: Chapter 10 Cursing Sir Nicholas 09 Mar 2015 7:12 pm
Reviewer: tb_ll57 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Really enjoyed this. Don't know if you're still working on it, but lots of intriguing elements. Harry's smarts are very in character, and I like as well how you've drawn out both Snape's inability to express himself exactly as he means to in the same plot as teaching Harry to 'develop' his communication. It's a subtle way of getting at the relationship between Harry and Snape, but also the larger problem in the HP universe with secrets... thanks for sharing!

    Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I appreciate your perception of Harry's character as well as Snape's and his relationship. I try to maintain the complexity of the canon characters and explore, rather than radically alter or simplify the personalities of the story. I intend to update once a week from now on (the story is finished, so I only need to go over and proof-read each chapter before publishing). /Henna  
Title: Chapter 10 Cursing Sir Nicholas 04 Mar 2015 3:44 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Very interesting thank you
Title: Chapter 9 On the Ethics of Magic - Obliviating 04 Mar 2015 3:15 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a great chapter. I loved the charms discussion I have often wondered how Hermione reversed the charm!

    Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! 
Title: Chapter 10 Cursing Sir Nicholas 01 Mar 2015 4:48 pm
Reviewer: BlueWater5 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    And things were going so well...

    Author's Response: Alas... 
Title: Chapter 10 Cursing Sir Nicholas 01 Mar 2015 3:30 pm
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG....what the hell is Snape's problem? I just don't understand "why" he's doing this. He must sincerely hate them, or have utter contempt for them.

    Talk about blaming the victim at that last part: "it's your fault I invaded your mind, even if I made sure you have no skill in the Mind Arts whatsoever ;-) At least Harry can avoid him for 2 months: give himself some much needed space from the jerk and time to figure out how to not let these sorts of people score a hit emotionally. It's a skill we all have to learn eventually.

    Gah! I love Snape even when I hate him.

    Kudos on creating a background for incantations. Making up Magical Theory from scratch can't be easy. I sincerely commend your imagination.

    Can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: I'm sorry Snape is so exasperating - but Snape is Snape, right? It will take a lot of time for him to change, if ever... Thanks for your encouragement on making up Magical Theory - I enjoy it :-) 
Title: Chapter 9 On the Ethics of Magic - Obliviating 26 Feb 2015 11:58 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    I think I love you!

    The ethical discussion about the Obliviate Charm is something I've been longing to read. I just wish I could observe more of the discussion, but realize it would bog down the story. The brevity in what you did include was perfect and prodded us readers to think about it on our own. You gave just enough teasers to keep us engaged but didn't hit us over the head.

    This is becoming one of my favorite stories.

    Can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: Thank you! That was particularly gratifying to hear after a hard day at work... Think I love you too :-)
Title: Chapter 9 On the Ethics of Magic - Obliviating 25 Feb 2015 1:32 pm
Reviewer: anna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Fantastic! Loved snapes last line of that chapter:)

    Author's Response: :-)
Title: Chapter 9 On the Ethics of Magic - Obliviating 24 Feb 2015 5:13 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice chapter. I liked the talk of what they were planning to do after graduation. The obliviation ethics discussion in Flitwick's class was interesting, too. By the way, I noticed that you spelled his name Filtwick. It is Flitwick

    Author's Response: Thank you to point out the spelling mistake!
Title: Chapter 8 Housing distrust 24 Feb 2015 1:50 pm
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    I've quite enjoyed this story and look forward to more. I will say that I agree with the students and disagree most vehemently with Snape's decision to punish those that were prevented from attending school with loss of prefect status and to a lesser extent playing on a sports team. Especially the prefect status.

    It's no fault of the students and they shouldn't be penalized by taking away a position of authority, leadership and trust within the school.

    It's basically saying that unless you were a supporter of voldemort, or you are a pureblood (those that attended the previous year) you won't be allowed leadership positions or to participate in Quidditch no matter what.

    Wrong message to send IMHO. It should be based on merit, not blood status and political outlook.

    Still, I quite enjoy the story. Snape is dick and I can't see why Harry even cares about him at this point. Seriously, Harry has taken enough abuse and given Snape more than enough chances. Enough is enough. A relationship with him is just not possible unless Snape changes on his own.

    Plus, I hate to see harry not stick up for himself and enforce boundaries against those that want to hurt him... ie Snape. Harry needs to grow up a bit in this area I think.

    Major kudos on not glossing over the rage, hurt, and desire for vengeance the students that suffered under Snape feel. Also kudos for not glossing over the immense distrust they feel towards him.... with good reason. It just can't be ignored. In RL, I suspect those students that reveled in the ability to hurt the disfavored students will meet with some comeuppance, no matter what anyone says and I can't say I blame them.

    Tough subject matter for sure and I can't wait to see where you go with this!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for reviewing! You’re right of course - it is unfair what Snape does to the pupils who were unable to attend school the previous year. He justifies his decision by stressing the importance to study for the exams. In his mind, he probably thinks he is helping them. But he is high-handed and disregards the problem that he is at the same time punishing them, like you pointed out.



    It's possible, however, that the employers of the wizard society, being aware of what happened during the war 1997-1998, will give the students who graduate after an extra year at Hogwarts priority over those who stayed during Voldemort’s regime. Maybe it will be the purebloods who will have to justify themselves? Maybe its them who will be at a disadvantage when applying for the leadership positions in the wizard world, prefect status or not?

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