Who would ever have thought that Severus would have created all these tricks as a student! Wonder what Harry will choose for the next diversion, and if he'll manage to keep things secret.
Author's Response: Who would have thought indeed! Thanks for reviewing!
Well that was fun for everyone, and very useful that Fred and George are the prime suspects.
Author's Response: Yes, thank goodness for Gred and Forge! Thanks for the review. :)
Instant blizzard. Awesome. The twins will be beside themselves trying to figure out who is doing the pranks and how to replicate them. Just before Christmas is a good time for them, too. The students will be in high spirits before the holidays and should get the blame for the pranks.
Author's Response: Ah yes, Fred and George will be quite baffled! Thanks a lot for the review!
I enjoyed both the prank and the setup. Severus got a real earful from Sinistra. It sounds like he learned some new words. The prank was clever. No one was hurt and everyone seemed to enjoy it. It was the perfect distraction to get the elves inside the castle.
Author's Response: Great to hear your thoughts! Yes, he probably did learn some new words, haha. Cheers!
Darn. I was looking forward to reading Snape's plan. It's bound to be big. I hope you update soon.
Author's Response: All in good time, haha. Thanks for reviewing, bridgeportfox. Always great to hear from you. :)
Go, Toffee. That was quite a lecture. It had to make Severus more confident. Between Toffee, Harry and Severus, they will figure out a way to get it done.
Author's Response: Yes, with those brains put together, hopefully all will go to plan! Thanks for reviewing!
Severus has a real challenge ahead of him. I can't imagine the Hogwarts elves not helping during this emergency. I wonder if Snape would be able to use the Room of Requirement as his workshop, at least temporarily?
Author's Response: A challenge indeed! The Room of Requirement is a good suggestion, for sure!
Oh my gosh! What could Snape possibly be planning??! I can't wait to see where you take this!
Author's Response: Ah yes, he seems to be in a rather devious mood, doesn't he? I hope you enjoy his plan! Thanks for reviewing.
Title: The Hogwarts Grinch
| 21 Dec 2014 10:53 am
Reviewer: rosina (Signed)
| [Report This]
Glad the sequel hit you. Great opening chapter - fun, Christmas busy, lovely to meet old friends again, and then some drama. Sadly no time to read more now - choir practise and carol service looming - but I'm really looking forward to it.
Author's Response: Hey rosina! Thanks so much for the review! I am so glad you are looking forward to reading more. Merry Christmas, an hope your choir practice and carol service goes well!