Reviews For Lost Perspective
Author's Response: Many thanks. Yes, you're right about Malfoy. If I were writing this fic now I'd do him a bit differently, but this was my first ever fanfic and I was concentrating on Harry. Poor Ron, I tend to use him as a fall-guy - somehow he asks for it.
Author's Response: I wasn't intending to write a sequel when I wrote this one, but once I had got the fanfic bug I couldn't help myself. I did 7 sequels in the end (most of them are on ffnet cos they don't fit into the P&S categories). Thanks for the review.
Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves! Britons never never never shall be slaves! THAT'S why "Harry often wondered if the Dursleys had ever sung the words, ESPECIALLY THE LAST LINE." (Emphasis mine, obviously!) Author's Response: Glad you picked up on that detail. I often throw in references and if people notice them it enriches the story (I hope) and if they don't, then it doesn't really matter. Thanks for the reviews.
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