Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: All in the Family 15 Mar 2015 9:57 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    That was certainly different...original.

    Sad about Molly, but glad that they are all family now.

    Author's Response: I have no idea where the idea came from, but it wouldn't leave me alone, so I wrote it. Thank you for reading it, and for taking the time to share your thoughts. It was quite different. 
Title: All in the Family 22 Feb 2015 5:04 am
Reviewer: atiaahmed (Signed) [Report This]
    I hope you plan to continue this story, it's really good. normally I'm a little wary of no magic stories but this one is nicely done. and the pairing sev /arthur would have never come to my mind but the way you write them, it works

    Author's Response: Thank you so much. I'm not sure why this pairing popped into my head, but when it did, I couldn't ignore it. I am also not sure why it turned out to be non-magic. I would like to dabble a little more in this universe, so I do hope to write more for this. Thank you!
Title: All in the Family 03 Feb 2015 4:07 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you an unusual and interesting take

    Author's Response: Thanks. Not sure why this story popped into my head, but I decided to roll with it. 
Title: All in the Family 02 Feb 2015 2:11 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    I really liked this. It was so different, but everything fitted perfectly. I've never read a story with this pairing before, but it really works. I do hope it is to be continued - I'd love to read more.

    Author's Response: Thank you, Rosina. I'm not sure why this pairing came to mind, but it did. I am glad that you liked this, and that you thought it worked well. I think I would like to write more for this particular universe. Thank you!
Title: All in the Family 31 Jan 2015 7:30 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice start! Interesting premise.

    Author's Response: Thanks. I may expand this story. 

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