Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 5 10 Feb 2015 11:08 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a great chapter and series of stories, very well written and held the attention thank you
Title: Chapter 4 10 Feb 2015 11:00 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a wonderful chapter
Title: Chapter 3 10 Feb 2015 10:46 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh dear don't like squeezing feelings in chest as I had those not Goodall! Great chapter!
Title: Chapter 1 10 Feb 2015 10:37 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Very well written scene of Diagon Alley. Loved Snape and his distaste for Christmas scene
Title: Chapter 5 08 Feb 2015 12:28 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    What a perfect Christmas gift for them both. I enjoyed your series and the gradual way you built Harry and Severus' relationship. Ending it at Christmas with them finding out they are father and son was a great way to finish it, too.
Title: Chapter 4 08 Feb 2015 12:22 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    I had wondered if there was a chance that Severus was Harry's father. The timing would have been off but now that has been explained. Looking forward to the final chapter.
Title: Chapter 3 08 Feb 2015 12:14 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmm. It sounds like Harry will end up showing up at Severus' home for Christmas. I'm sure that Snape won't think of that possibility though.
Title: Chapter 1 08 Feb 2015 12:07 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice descriptions of winter in Diagon Alley and the Christmas crowds. Poor Severus clearly isn't a people person. He sounds lonely but doesn't seem to know how to react to it. I'm glad (even if he isn't) that he bumped into some people he knew at Diagon Alley.

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