I like the relationship between Albus and Severus. Albus seems to really care about Severus. Severus cares for Albus as well but has been hurt so many times, that he is nervous about trusting him. It will be interesting to see how Harry fits in this.
I'm glad that Severus finally brought Harry to live with him. Now he just has to tell Albus and the staff.
Aww, I thought Severus was going to take Harry to Hogwarts. At least he is coming to see him ore often.
I like that you are giving both Harry and Severus' point of views. It's nice to know what each is thinking, at this point especially. I was glad that Severus finally gave in and decided to take Harry with him.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
Aww, poor Harry but I think Snape was being kind overall. What a mess both Harry and Tilly had managed to get into. I hope that they both will be able to do better in the future!
I wonder if those older Slytherins would of hurt Harry because they idolize the Dark Lord, or if they are just bad eggs that would of hurt Harry.
Nice of Snape to sleep on the couch himself, I thought at first it was for Harry but it's sweet for Snape to put Harry in his own room until Harry can get his own. Plus, Snape is less likely to disturb Harry when he is trying to sleep.
Great chapter. Thanks for the update!
I wonder how he's going to make it work! Will he hide Harry or disguise him? Oooh, and what will Minerva say? Great chapter! Looking forward to the next!
Excellent story, I love it!
Title: Too late!
| 29 Jun 2016 1:57 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Thank you for updating. Lovely chapter with good insights into Severus' character
Loved the chapter and your story. I hope you decide to continue it even if the writing is slow going. Regular updates would be awesome, but I look forward to the next chapter whenever it may come. Thanks for sharing your time and talent. I love the emotions of your story and the Snape and Harry interactions. You have made the characters just perfectly imperfect and realistic. I also enjoy that you take your time to develop their relationship. I got a feeling that a certain little boy is going to be in some major trouble. Great work!