Reviews For Wishing on a Sticker
Author's Response: Thank you!
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad that you liked this chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you for reading, and for sharing your thoughts with me. I'm glad that you liked the interaction between the three men. I did not want to write a very long story; I've got several unfinished stories, and didn't want this to become one of those.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed this.
Author's Response: Maybe I should have gone with my first impulse, and let the star sticker become a newborn star -- I had it written out like that and everything, and then thought she might want to stay with Harry...perhaps the wrong choice. She could have lived a lovely life as a twinkling star (though, technically they are not 'living' when they are stars). Thank you so very much! :D
Que principio tan atrayente, tan maravilloso, has retratado hermosamente una idea de inocencia, espero que actualices pronto Author's Response: Thank you for reading, and sharing your kind thoughts with me. :-) I am humbled.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for assuaging my worries over this chapter. I felt that it neeed to be written this way, but worried that it would come off as summarizing. Thank you for putting into words what it was that I couldn't seem to (funny thing for a writer). I'm glad that you liked this, and hope that you will like the next chapter. You've eased my mind.
Author's Response: Just one more chapter to go. I hope that you'll approve of the ending. Thank you so very much for reading. :-)
Author's Response: Thank you! :D I'm so relieved to hear that.
Author's Response: Thank you. I am not sure if I like the next chapter as of yet. |
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