Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Wish Granted 17 Sep 2024 2:02 am
Reviewer: Marcs Tee (Signed) [Report This]
    This is such an excellent redoing of Harry's life, for Severus, Remus and Sirius to work together, being Harry's uncles was a genius move, I abso-freaking-lutely cherish the idea of them having a wonderful life, especially as loving guardians to Harry.

    I can imagine how much more this will help Harry grow into the Moldy Voldy -slayer.
    With all the support given, he won't be alone in the battle, and maybe even make Voldy's demise not only happen earlier, but also without all the trauma..

    Yeah, I've got all the faith in the strong, loving family..

    Thanks for sharing this lovely piece 👏🏼🤩👌🏼😍👍🏻🥰
Title: Wish Granted 30 Mar 2022 4:32 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Question answered! This was a really lovely and warm story. Thanks so much.
Title: Avoiding Sleep 30 Mar 2022 4:29 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I really enjoyed this. I’m looking forward to finding out why everyone but Harry has memories from their adjusted lives.
Title: Waking Only to Dream 30 Mar 2022 4:17 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this perspective on magic as an entity that is alive in a sense. Thanks for the wonderful chapter.
Title: Falling 30 Mar 2022 4:13 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my, what a fantastic start to this story. I enjoyed Harry’s musings about wishes.
Title: Wish Granted 17 Feb 2021 2:46 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    So good to read this again.
Title: Wish Granted 17 Jan 2017 10:05 pm
Reviewer: Amandalee1988 (Signed) [Report This]
    So much fluff but it was awesome!

    Author's Response: Sometimes I just like to drown in fluff. I am glad that you enjoyed this. :-)
Title: Wish Granted 01 Apr 2016 1:08 pm
Reviewer: LtsHrIt4ThBoyz (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! What a truly unique and amazing story! I don't know why, but it left me just a touch melancholy. I agree that it was best for Harry, to be left to believe that his time in Durskaban was the dream and that his new life was the reality, but will this Harry turn out to be the same grateful and unreservedly loving child without having lived thru hell?
    Well, it's just a story, but it's a really GREAT story!
    Thank you for sharing!

    Author's Response:

    Good question. Who knows how this Harry will turn out? Though I don't think it's a requirement to go through childhood hell to become a good person either, and some people end up turning out more like Snape than Harry after suriving such a childhood. Not that Snape didn't kind of redeem himself in the end, but the bitterness, and general inability to move on from what he'd gone through as a child, did not make for a very good, or long life. And then there are some who end up perpetuating the abuse they suffered, and some who end up in prison because they've killed others. There is no perfect fix for any of it. I think that Harry might have turned out to be loving, and kind without having to go through abuse as a child. Then again, I've seen too many children who are abused (neglect, physical, sexual, etc) and so many of them are not very kind, or loving, or grateful as of yet (maybe they'll get there someday), and I don't think that they should be, because they have a lot to work through. I have not turned out like Snape, myself, but I don't think I would have become a bad person, or less grateful, if I had not gone through the childhood that I had. I think I would not have as many hangups as I do now, had I been given a different, slightly better, childhood. Perhaps that's why I like to write these types of stories. And, wow, sorry for the long reply. I hope that I've not offended you, because I like your review. Your question sparked some meditation, and I hope that you don't mind that I've shared it with you.

    Thank you! 

Title: Wish Granted 24 Mar 2016 12:05 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thanks. :-) I had fun writing this.
Title: Wish Granted 10 Jan 2016 2:37 pm
Reviewer: Andrea (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great short story! I enjoyed reading it and thanks for sharing it!

    Author's Response: Thank you for reading this, and for letting me know that you enjoyed reading it. :-)

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