Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For A Happy Ending
Title: A Happy Ending 14 Aug 2015 8:25 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade sydneylover150 (Signed) [Report This]
    Absolutely lovely!

    Author's Response: Thank you! :D
Title: A Happy Ending 13 Aug 2015 10:52 pm
Reviewer: Twonky (Signed) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: A Happy Ending 13 Aug 2015 10:02 pm
Reviewer: Reader629 (Signed) [Report This]
    I really liked your avengers metaphor... And this was so cute and angsty at the same time.... Loved it!

    Author's Response: Thank you. I was worried about that particular aspect of the story. I'm glad that you thought it was cute and angsty (often times that's what I like to write). I'm glad that you enjoyed this. :-)
Title: A Happy Ending 13 Aug 2015 4:55 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    What a lovely, sweet story. I liked that Severus went into story time with some doubts about Harry and was able to overcome them. I would enjoy it if you were to continue with other stories in this AU. It sounds like there are a number of avenues to explore there.

    Author's Response: Thank you. :-) I am happy to hear that you enjoyed this. I am hoping that the writing bug will bite with more for this particular universe, as I think it would be fun to explore. I'm glad that others seem interested. 
Title: A Happy Ending 13 Aug 2015 5:41 am
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely. Such a sweet, cuddly , happy little story.

    Author's Response: Thank you, rosina, I'm glad that you enjoyed this little story. :-)
Title: A Happy Ending 13 Aug 2015 3:12 am
Reviewer: ilreies (Signed) [Report This]
    this was really sweet! would to love read more interactions between this snape and little insecure harry! also what did dumblebore find out and how did he deal with the dursleys? hahahah well. its good to leave it up to readers imaginations too.

    great work! thanks for sharing this with us!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, ilreies. I did want to leave that up tp the readers' imaginations, and wanted to get this particular story done in one sitting, because I wasn't sure that, if I made it longer, I would be able to continue it. This leaves plenty of room for me to make a sequel, or to create other snapshots exploring the interaction between Severus and Harry, and perhaps to explore what it is that Dumbledore learned, should that particular writing bug bite me in the future. 

    I am grateful for the feedback as it does give me quite a bit to think about, and I'm glad that you thought this story was sweet. I was worried that it was stiff. 

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