Reviews For A Trip Into Town
Author's Response: Oh! Thank you very much. I am very happy you enjoyed reading my fic and wrote me a review.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! Yes, it was difficult to imagine him in such a colourful setting at first ;)
Author's Response: Thank you! I am glad you do.
Author's Response: Thank you. I am not a native english speaker. I tried to use British English, but I obviously failed. I'll try to improve.
Author's Response: Thank you. I am really happy it turned out fine. Being able to make someone smile, makes me very happy.
Author's Response: Thank you! I am glad you think so.
Author's Response: Thank you very much! Yes, I was thinking Snape could be generous after Harry helped him.
Author's Response: Hm, you have given me food for thought. I could also imagine that Petunia would like to try to make them all forget the incident, since she doesn't want to be asked about knowing Snape. I wonder...Thank you! Well, now that would be hilarious to write or read! Makes me wonder if anyone has already written that story.
Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, that was exactly my reasoning for how they met! Albus is the only excuse I found, since I wouldn't usually put 'Severus' and 'candy store' in one sentence. Thank you, I always believed that Severus would be annoyed with Dudley if he had to deal with him. :)
Author's Response: I am glad you did. Thank you for reading and writing a review! |
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