Reviews For A Trip Into Town
Author's Response: Thank you very much! I have to admit they were a lot of fun to write ;-)
Author's Response: Thank you for telling me!
Author's Response: Thank you. That makes me very happy!
Author's Response: Thank you! Yay! Someone noticed! It was just too fitting not to add it here. I am really happy I could make you laugh with it. Writing snarky Snape turned out to be really fun ;) Thanks
Author's Response: Thanks! Finding a reason for them to meet was harder than I first thought. I am glad it worked.
Author's Response: Thank you! I am happy it fits with the canon verse. It's what I was going for.
I loved it! It was typical Snape snarkiness. lol Loved too when Dudley got zapped when he tried to steal Harry's candies. Good job. Author's Response: Thank you very much! I am glad you enjoyed it. It is a relief. Snape is surprisingly fun to write. I am happy I got it right. Dudley really gets enough sweets as it is ;) Thank you for reviewing! |
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