Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 4 07 Oct 2016 10:33 pm
Reviewer: AngelMoon Girl (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow. I just came across your stories today, and I have to say, I am just DEVOURING them. You write very well, and I am so taken in by Aftermath!Snape - this new, more patient and less bitter version. It is an interesting premise for sure. I love watching him grow more and more attached to Harry, who really could use a stable father figure after all the trauma the end of the war has wrought him. It really is quite evil to leave us hanging where you did, you know ;P I can't wait to see what peril Snape will have to save Harry from now, and too, I am eager to see Harry finally interacting with Dumbledore. I have always loved the relationship these three men inadvertently share, and I feel like this story is ripe with possibility. You are doing an awesome job. Please update soon!

    Author's Response:

    Better late than never, I guess… because here is the update. Thanks for your review. I’m particularly glad that you picked up the potential in the story regarding the relationship between Dumbledore, Harry and Snape. I hope to be able to elaborate on that in the coming chapter(s). / Henna

Title: Chapter 4 29 Aug 2016 12:08 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Very interesting chapter thank you
Title: Chapter 3 29 Aug 2016 11:52 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you for including Bill in the story he is rather a favourite of mine

    Author's Response: Great :-)
Title: Chapter 2 29 Aug 2016 11:40 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved their conversation it had the right amount of the old and new Severus and he was so supportive of Harry. Thank you so much

    Author's Response: I'm glad you thought so! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Title: Chapter 1 29 Aug 2016 11:23 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you so much for continuing your fantastic universe and lovely to have Severus' point of view
Title: Chapter 4 27 Aug 2016 10:18 pm
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    Dear Henna,
    I had to write and tell you, I have greatly enjoyed reading your stories. Your characters possess such depth, and your scenes are intriguing and rich with detail. (I also worked in healthcare -in Mental Health - so I particularly enjoy that aspect in fiction when well written.) That you can write so beautifully in a second language is just amazing to me...in fact, most of your writing is far more precise than the work of many fiction writers for whom English is their native tongue! In truth, you hardly need any assistance: but it's a fact that every writer benefits from having their work proofread by someone with an outside perspective. Sometimes we become too close to our own work to effectively proof it ourselves. (I wouldn't dream of publishing anything without first having it proofread by my talented and endlessly patient editor, Kay!) If you are still seeking a Beta for your stories, I would consider it a privilege to assist you. I retired last year to care for my husband, who is partially disabled, so I have time on my hands and no pressing schedules to keep. (I may even FINALLY have time this year to finish one of my own, badly neglected stories!) I have some editing experience, and most of the time it would be no trouble to beta a chapter and return it to you fairly quickly. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me. You can find me listed on this site as Twinheart. Best of luck to you, and keep up the good work. I am so looking forward to your next chapter! Cheers! Twinheart

    Author's Response: Thank you, Twinheart, for the encouragement and for the offer to beta! I'm definitely interested and I sent you a message from your P&S page - did you get it? I also wish YOU all the luck, courage and tenacity to finish your stories. Yours, Henna.
Title: Chapter 4 24 Aug 2016 3:21 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    The plot thickens - where is Harry?

    Author's Response: :-) Indeed, it does.
Title: Chapter 3 20 Aug 2016 12:49 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a surprise. I wonder why Harry ran away and why he didn't take his wand, especially in the storm. Your description of the storm has really shown its ferocity. Snape's pounding while in the floo was a good way to show that. I'm glad he was sensible enough to have some protection so he wouldn't get hurt too badly during his floo trip.
Title: Chapter 2 17 Aug 2016 2:33 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Loving it! Poor Harry, he's such a mess, but Severus is right, it's not hopeless. I love seeing Snape in such an insightful reflection of himself, also understanding, and encouraging Harry. Harry really needs it.

    The descriptions of the artist and the gallery meeting were great. I love that Snape can handle small talk now and that Harry can be into something so completely as painting. I wonder if Harry is bleeding painful magic into his paintings, and if that is the way it is healing him. Or if it's just a way for him to express himself and work through his emotions. I think it's wonderful for him to of picked up a painting hobby. Maybe he'll get really good and just be an artist as his occupation. Though I'm not sure who would appreciate the awfulness of the emotions he surely paints, I can't see it as a dining room attraction. :)

    I'm curious to find out! Thanks so much for the update!

    Author's Response:

    You’re right! What a horror to have a painting like that at one’s home! Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Chapter 2 15 Aug 2016 6:30 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    I hope Harry can build up his confidence. At least he has Snape to confide in. I wonder if something happened with Ron or Ginny that Bill is calling Severus? Looking forward to finding out. I noticed that when Snape saw Bill, you stated that 'he blemished.' I believe the word you wanted may be blanched (to go white). A blemish is an imperfection.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you! I had completely misunderstood the meaning of ”to blemish” - and was sure enough not to look it up, too! I must have seen it used that way somewhere else, so I’ll blame it on the fact that I read far too much fanfiction - apparently it’s not healthy for your vocabulary :-) Luckily there are people like you to rectify it!

    Bill’s appearance in Snape’s floo is not about Ron or Ginny, though…

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