To be continued... how I hate this message Poor Blaise, he's as mixed up as Harry
We'd like more soon. Pretty please? One suggestion; it would be good to mark different character's POV more distinctly. Maybe it's just me,but it took me a sec to realize that Arthur was the one talking about his boss. At first I thought Snape joined in.
I think there's a mistake about DADA teacher, in LADTH Harry mentions a useless teacher imparting knowledge about hair products. Never does he mention Dumbledore substituting, and he would with his fear of the man.
I hope they find him soon.
I liked that line, "Still not lost--or no more lost than he was at home, at any rate." Really good chapter and really good fic.
Oh no! I'm on the edge of my seat. Great chapter!
Hi! I've discovered this verse (or the spin-off AND the original series) only recently but I'm very much keen on it! I hope you'll write more soon.
Also, I loved that you pointed out that Mr and Mrs Weasley are actually (second-gen) disowned Blacks too
Poor Blaise is so confused... I hope he does end up forgetting himself and actually having fun. Looking forward to seeing his attempts at getting around Mrs Weasley's rules, and her plans to help him settle in.
Title: Burned Out
| 04 Sep 2017 10:32 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Definitely! Great chapter with so much angst. Poor Blaise and poor Molly, can we have a glimpse of Harry and Severus, perhaps a visit? Thank you so much for updating
Title: Burned Out
| 04 Sep 2017 5:20 am
Reviewer: Abie (Signed)
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Definitely worth the wait! This was so wonderfully written and heartbreaking and just... you portray Blaise's internal struggle ins such an engaging, relatable way. Looking forward to more.