Title: A Drowsy Dragon
| 29 Nov 2017 2:52 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Love it thank you so much
Title: A Drowsy Dragon
| 25 Oct 2017 11:32 pm
Reviewer: Bones (Signed)
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Great side chapter! It was nice to get some insight regarding Snape. I wished you'd extended it up to where he entered the common room when Harry was figuring out the Forgetfulness potion. Would have been lovely to read Snape's POV there. :) And the mystery regarding the pink scars on his feet and ankles that Harry saw in Book 4 is solved. I was wondering about reasons behind the scars. Looking forward to more chapters from you. Thanks!
Author's Response: Ah, thanks so much for such a lovely comment! The more I get into writing Severus' POV in Book 5 the more I really appreciate the differences in the way he sees the world, you know? It's fun just 'cause a lot of what he does can seem like, hard to understand, but when I write dialogue I try to have an idea of what both parties are thinking even though you only see Harry's view.
I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the series! :)