Sev you’re a Slytherin! Plot, manipulate, do whatcha gotta do!
Omg what jerk!! Lol wow......more?
Author's Response: More will come! Thanks for your review!
Title: Dulcify
| 18 Jan 2018 1:12 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Very good chapter thank you. Typical Severus to take a shortcut and to destroy any trust Harry has in him!
Author's Response: That is very much a typical Severus thing. Thanks for your review!
I enjoy this story! Looking forward to the next update.
Author's Response: I’m glad you enjoy it! Thanks for your review and I’ll update as soon as I can!
In both the UK and the US, as a teacher, Severus is a mandated reporter. If he suspects child abuse, he is required by law to report it... at least in the Muggle world. If that's also true in the Wizarding world is up to you...
I hope that Severus will come to realize that trust is just as important as answers, although I can understand his reasoning. He doesn’t want attachment. Trust means getting closer. Great chapter! I can’t wait for the next.
I hope that Severus will come to realize that trust is just as important as answers, although I can understand his reasoning. He doesn’t want attachment. Trust means getting closer. Great chapter! I can’t wait for the next.
Author's Response: Thanks for your review! I will try to update as soon as I can.
Why Sev, just why?
Author's Response: Thanks for your review!
You better fgix this Severus Tobias Snape!!!!
Title: Disillusion
| 28 Oct 2017 9:46 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Very Severus like reaction! Poor Harry to be up in the air one moment and then beaten down again. Thank you a lovely chapter and very well written.
Author's Response: I’m glad it was a realistic Snape reaction. I’m doing my best and I’m glad it’s paying off. Thanks for your review and I promise to update soon!