Reviews For Cripple Me
Excellent chapter! Author's Response: Thank you! Your kind words are greatly appreciated.
I shall definitely make sure to keep up in future. Author's Response: Hope you enjoyed the story again! Thanks for reading and for the kind words, it is much appreciated.
It's so relieving that they are after the horcruxes early :) Author's Response: Yes, we are getting rid of those annoying things early. Thanks for reading, it is always appreciated. Enjoy the next chapter!
Awww! Author's Response: Thanks for reading! It is always appreciated. Enjoy the next chapter!
Oh dear it was all going so well, thank you for updating Author's Response: Harry just couldn't last any longer without sneaking off to Hogsmeade Poor kid, the FOMO must be awful. Thanks for reading, it is much appreciated.
It seems there is one, or two perhaps, chapters missing, though: the one directly before this is them still back at the cottage after Harry forged Snape's signature! Author's Response: Again, sorry for such a jump in the story, and I may go back and add something in between but for now, I'm going to keep going forward. I'm not sure why but I really struggled to move the story forward at that point. Thanks for reading and reviewing, it is appreciated. Enjoy the next chapter!
Author's Response: Thank you for your reviews! They are much appreciated. Yes, Harry seems good at acting without thinking. Thanks again and enjoy the next chapter. |
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