Title: Devastation
| 31 Oct 2019 2:16 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Oh dear I hope Severus does not give up on himself and Harry. Thank you a great chapter
Author's Response: You are welcome and please enjoy the next chapter!
Just as I feared. Of course Fudge would send his personal "toad"y. And on the same day even.
Author's Response: Thanks for your review! Fudge does not disappoint.
Sev don’t do it. It is what she wants.
Author's Response: Thank you for your review! Enjoy the next chapter!
Nooooo... don't do it, Snape! He is proving everything he fears about himself. I wish he'd been able to control himself... he does need help. Maybe he should go to AA. Harry will be heart broken at this show of giving up. I have a feeling this minor infraction will have consequences.
Intense developments. Snape is really lacking confidence, and drowning in his sorrows. I hope he can pull out of it for Harry's sake. Dumbledore could tell what he was going to do before he left... perhaps an intervention is in store?
Thanks for the update! I'm really enjoying the story.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your kind words. It is greatly appreciated. I am so glad you are enjoying this story. Please enjoy the next chapter!
Title: Dependable
| 30 Jul 2019 1:48 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Foul Umbridge spoiling their day! Thank you a love.y chapter
Author's Response: You're welcome! Thank you for your review!
I loved this chapter! I felt very sorry for both Severus and Harry, but especially Harry. He must be so confused as to why the professor is so angry and upset and struggling with the thought of Harry being taken away from him- the contrast between adult and child fears in this chapter are so brilliantly written- even thought they’re both worrying about the same thing, their fears and responses to their fears are so strikingly different at the same time! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: I am so glad you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for your review!
Oh boys. Sev you need to work on taking time-outs when you are getting stressed.
Author's Response: Thanks for your review!
I have a couple of questions. Why is Snape going directly to the Minister on this? Why is he not going to Wizarding family services? Then maybe Fudge finds out from them? It's kind of ridiculous for Snape to go straight to the head of the government to handle something so small. Also, how is he able to walk right into Fudge's office? Again, he is the head of the government, there should be someone there to stop Snape from just waltzing in. Plus, he should have a packed schedule and thus not be in his office much. I could understand Dumbledore being able to just walk in. One other point, specifically on this chapter - Snape is a Slytherin, why would he just tell Fudge straight out what he had planned instead of just doing it and presenting it fait accompli?
Except for the above plot holes, I love, love, love the rest of the story. :-)
Author's Response: I’ll be honest, the only reason I started writing this story was because I had a few scenes between Snape and Harry that I really wanted to write that just wouldn’t fit in with my other stories. So a lot of It was not planned out at first, though I do know the direction I want to go in. Otherwise, it’s all just whatever comes to mind. As far as going to Fudge, this isn’t just any kid Snape is trying to gain custody of, its the Boy-Who-Lived and this situation must be kept as silent as possible. That doesn’t mean we won’t see a type of Wizarding family services in the future. ;) And I know Severus would have more likely been the type to walk out without a word about his plan, but where’s the drama in that? Waltzing into Fudge’s office? Well, sadly I must admit I don’t spend as much time being a hundred percent accurate for a fanfiction like I would my personal projects. It’s quicker this way. Anyway, I’m so glad you are enjoying this story! It is a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy the next chapters!
Title: Dejected
| 03 Jun 2019 2:38 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Loved the chapter especially the end, mo wonder Fudge wished them luck with Umbridge. Very clever and a complete surprise. Thank you
Author's Response: You’re welcome and thank you for the review!
Oh god.... is muzzling her an option?
Author's Response: I wish. Haha! Thanks for the review!