Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Kids These Days
Title: Bittersweet Farewells 05 Feb 2019 4:39 am
Reviewer: krystarka (Signed) [Report This]
    I don't know... maybe I hope Harry go to home, maybe not... I'm really unsettled...

    Author's Response: Yes, hopefully he gets home safe and sound. Thanks for the review :)!
Title: Bittersweet Farewells 03 Feb 2019 1:36 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you, I loved the Grangers.

    Author's Response: I love the Grangers too! I think they'd be a very fun family, so I tried to convey that ideal as much as possible. Thanks for the review :)
Title: Bittersweet Farewells 02 Feb 2019 4:31 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh poor Harry. He’ll be left at the station now, for sure! How will he get out of this mess? Maybe Hermione’s parents will go back to check? Most adults wouldn’t leave a kid alone. Great chapter! I’m enjoying the story a lot!

    Author's Response: Thank you for your kind response :). I'm glad you enjoyed it. We'll just have to see where this goes ;)
Title: Bittersweet Farewells 02 Feb 2019 10:55 am
Reviewer: Kendra Dhyanna (Signed) [Report This]
    No sé,

    Me encantaría que los Dursley simplemente no vayan por Harry porque se mudaron a alguna parte en el continente, a las Americas o a Australia (jajajajajaja)

    Sería impresionante que Severus estuviese obligado a recoger a Harry de la estación, porque que mejor que tener acceso a la biblioteca del Maestro de Pociones para tratar de mejorar en pociones


    En fin, espero que actualices pronto

    Author's Response: ¡Oh muchas gracias! :) Sí, sería una idea divertida, pero no quiero que sea demasiado similar a algo que ya existe ;; Solo tendrás que esperar y ver qué pasa. ;)) (Estoy usando un sitio de traducción, lo siento si esto suena extraño.)
Title: The Small Journey Home 29 Jan 2019 11:56 am
Reviewer: krystarka (Signed) [Report This]
    Now I'm curious! Will Harry become good at potions or is he a hopeless case?

    Author's Response: Let's all pray for Harry and Ron's quest to not fail Snape's potions class harder than they already are...
Title: The Small Journey Home 27 Jan 2019 3:42 pm
Reviewer: Lemon Curd (Signed) [Report This]
    I love how Ron ends up having a brilliant idea without even meaning to!

    It's typical for him ... after all, he also was totally right about Tom Riddle murdering Myrtle. Even though he only wanted to joke.

    Knowing Snape, he will probably suspect them of cheating when their performance improves, but fortunately, it is not really possible to cheat in potion brewing, seeing as they are not only allowed but supposed to look into their books and at the blackboard while working.

    Author's Response: Yes, I always found Ron to have a really good sense of things... Thank you for your review! :)!
Title: The Small Journey Home 27 Jan 2019 1:55 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    I liked your dialogue thank you

    Author's Response: No, Thank You for the review!!!!!
Title: The Small Journey Home 24 Jan 2019 6:25 pm
Reviewer: Kendra Dhyanna (Signed) [Report This]
    Me encanta la idea,

    simplemente es impresionante

    espero con ansiedad la nueva actualización

    Author's Response: ¡¡muchas gracias!!
Title: A Brief Reflection 20 Jan 2019 9:22 am
Reviewer: Lemon Curd (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Severus! Just because he's a big ol' meanie doesn't mean he wants to steal the stone.

    I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Author's Response: Thanks for reading!! Stay tuned :)!

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