Re-reading once again!! Literally my favorite fic ever
A thick emotional stew that hit the spot. You write with such compassion and understanding of the human condition.
Title: From Grace
| 10 Sep 2020 5:30 am
Reviewer: Tedi (Signed)
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Oh. My. Gosh. I am a happily weeping mess over here. I’ll be honest - I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced a “one-shot” that ever affected me this much, and I’ve been around since at least ‘05, so... I’ve read a lot. Like A LOT a lot! And this was just... all kinds of BEAUTIFUL. From the way you turn a phrase and string thoughts to the PERFECT characterizations (seriously - KUDOS on Snape, there are so few who manage to GET him like you!), I was entranced. This subject matter is a weighty one there’s no denying, but you did so tastefully and there was a very realistic lead up to Harry’s decision on the tower. I was a flailing mess when Snape appeared out of the shadows. And to think he’s been watching over Harry since he found out, knowing - but hoping he wouldn’t have to - intervene. I love the way he treats Harry, the way he is so unwaveringly THERE for him even despite his show of detachment. And then the way everything begins to subtly shift... he lets Harry in, and Harry lets him in. The careful journey to that point left me breathless with awe. I just LOVE the way you handled revelations like Harry’s home life and Snape’s past with Lily. This left me SO satisfied and I hope so much that you will not stop contributing such gems to the fandom. You have a great gift :) As a side note - what’s your handle on Ao3, and are there more HP stories there you haven’t posted here yet?