Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For In Somnis Veritas
Title: Chapter 8 08 Jan 2022 6:16 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter, thank you
Title: Chapter 7 08 Jan 2022 6:14 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely end to the chapter
Title: Chapter 10 07 Jan 2022 11:55 pm
Reviewer: x_cope2006 (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Chapter 9 06 Jan 2022 4:33 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    This story is so sweet I love it. Harry has such an innocent way of getting what he needs from Severus and he is such a softer. Thank you so much
Title: Chapter 9 04 Jan 2022 11:32 am
Reviewer: Chartry (Signed) [Report This]
    Just read the whole story and you have caused me to cry into my pillow multiple times. It's good to see an adult connecting with Harry.
Title: Chapter 8 27 Dec 2021 6:57 pm
Reviewer: Flooney (Signed) [Report This]
    lovely story so far, really enjoying it! the hugs are so sweet and— oh, i just love it. can't wait (literally, i literally can't wait) for the next parts of the story to come through, love this soft-kind-of-but-not-really-kind-of snape as well! keep up the good work!
Title: Chapter 8 27 Dec 2021 12:50 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    So sweet thank you I love how Severus deludes himself on his non-interest in Harry
Title: Chapter 8 26 Dec 2021 11:52 pm
Reviewer: x_cope2006 (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Chapter 8 25 Dec 2021 4:55 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    I’m enjoying this sooooo much.
Title: Chapter 7 20 Dec 2021 1:04 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww! Loved the last bit.
    I think there is going to be trouble between the three soon. Thank you for updating

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