Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Beyond Repair
Title: Chapter 4 07 Nov 2022 10:17 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    That's nice that Harry and Draco became friends.

    Author's Response: I thought so.
Title: Chapter 4 07 Nov 2022 9:08 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Good for Draco. It sounds like a lot of time has passed in this chapter. It would be helpful to have a frame of reference. Thanks for the update.

    Author's Response: got it.
Title: Stunned 06 Nov 2022 6:43 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome that Draco is speaking up for Harry.

    Author's Response: Right?
Title: Snape 06 Nov 2022 6:42 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry, he's really depressed. I really like this caring version of Malfoy.

    Author's Response: Me too.
Title: Malfoy 06 Nov 2022 6:41 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww, I'm so glad that Draco is acting kind.

    Author's Response: It's time he was.
Title: Stunned 05 Nov 2022 1:35 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting that Draco is standing up to Snape. That’s nice to see.

    Author's Response: Keep in mind, He found Harry near dead, so I mean, what could he do?
Title: Snape 05 Nov 2022 1:34 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    I’m glad that a certain pair of Slytherins are being kind and helpful.

    Author's Response: And about time too.
Title: Malfoy 05 Nov 2022 1:33 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    What a vulnerable position Harry was found in.

    Author's Response: Yep.
Title: Snape 29 Oct 2022 7:02 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade sydneylover150 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh Harry…

    Author's Response: there will be more.

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