Reviews For A letter from the past
The only thing I noticed that needs to be fixed is Percy Weasley's name. You listed it as Purcey or something. Great chapter! I loved it. Your Harry is so adorable and lovely. Thanks so much for the update.
Too bad Harry couldn't get his school supplies ahead of time like everyone else. That's going to be a problem when he gets to Hogwarts. I love that Snape is the one to fetch Harry and rescue him. Snape is very gentle with Harry in this one, it's sweet to see. I guess seeing Harry's situation has made it impossible to be mean to Harry. And Harry is sweet too, asking if his cousin can come too. Awww. I'm glad that Harry got the healing he needed and the rest in the hospital wing. I really like your characterization of Snape, and Dumbledore is spot on. Well done. Good start!
I think we might be missing a paragraph between these two: Harry nodded, grateful for the kindness he had been shown. However, his curiosity soon got the better of him, and he turned to Albus with a hesitant expression. "When will I be sent back to my relatives, sir?" Not really believing the older man, Harry nodded anyway. He wondered when they would give up on him, but he figured he should go along with this whole thing until then. Until they figured out he wasn't really a wizard, just a freak. I really enjoyed this chapter, and seeing Harry explore his new situation. I'm glad that he is finally away from his relatives but it appears that he is psychologically damaged from their care and will need time and help to get over that. I wonder how Draco will behave, since he never met Harry, and Harry did not have an opportunity to turn down his friendship. Maybe the house rivalries will be less serious in this timeline. I really liked this chapter and am glad that Harry and Snape are getting to know each other. Thanks for writing and sharing it! Author's Response: Thank you for catching that copy paste mistake! Fixing now :) I'm glad you're enjoying! I think you'll enjoy what's in store for Harry!
Thank you again for your excellent story |
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