Reviews For Resonance
And him thinking to himself that getting shagged made for a pretty good holiday was also pretty funny. Author's Response: I'm relieved the v-card punch section is playing out okay. I still think of this as YA -ish and have anxiety about these sections as a result. So thanks for the reaction on that!
Author's Response: Me: My MC needs to lose his v-card. Also Me: Oh, look there's a canon character the MC likes a bit whose name is Nymphadora...
Author's Response: Doing things he doesn't want to do as long as he gets a chance to complain about it is Snape's modus operandi. That's pretty much healthy dad mode, right? It is a nice scene because they are both comfortable with each other, at least in regards to the topic.
Harry is oh so normal here, and it so sweet and funny. And Severus is so himself. Author's Response: All teens go through this, but with poor Harry all these moments are teen^3.
Author's Response: LOL yes, Elizabeth was a writing experiement that went awry, but I left it in, running awry because I was kind of fascinated with what was happening and wanted to see how it would turn out at the weird meta level I was looking at it from. One of those "the characters took over and the author could no longer control things" issues. I can explain later in a note or comment when it's not a spoiler. I was wrong on my last reply. I got confused with the other spot I'm editing and posting from. Harry's 17 in this story right now. 16 is age of consent in UK with no age gap provisions that I can tell. Not that that makes it not subject to some serious scrutiny for damage to the younger party. And fingerwaving at the older person. Harry's fascination with Tonks is in part a fascination with the idea of her life that Harry wants to have himself. Maybe less so a fascination with her, exactly. The kind of thing someone might outgrow, eventually. If it doesn't develop more as a proper relationship with the person in front of you rather than the ideal.
Author's Response: Harry's not a minor by UK standards. It's 1999 so Harry's going on 19 right now in story time, so 18 since it's pre-July. I think Rowling made this really easy for herself. Harry was born in 1980, so the math is super easy to do on his age. AND on what year he is at Hogwarts, since year one starts 1991. I assumed Tonks was mid 20s when I wrote this.
Author's Response: Extra credit is extra credit. |
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