Title: Breakdown
| 16 Feb 2005 12:57 pm
Reviewer: Alana18 alana2an@y...co.uk (Anonymous)
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Title: Breakdown
| 16 Feb 2005 3:26 am
Reviewer: ARi (Anonymous)
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Woohoo... nice story
Look forward to reading more soon
Just lovely. Really it is. All the angst...you can never get enough I suppose...*shurgs* okay so you can but you know how to balance it out. ;) Good chapter.
Title: Breakdown
| 15 Feb 2005 8:46 pm
Reviewer: Amellia (Anonymous)
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It is great and very well written. You can almost feel the emotions in this chapter. That is one evil book especially after what lines did to his hand. I really can't wait to read more of this story and also am wondering about what Snape finding out and dealing with in Harry's place.
Author's Response: You can see some of Snape's POV at the Dursleys in the separate cookie I have posted here, called "Snape's Punishment." Glad you're enjoying the story!
I really don't understand what's going on.. Harry got punished and had to read lines from a book...but then what happened...he just freaked out?
Title: Breakdown
| 15 Feb 2005 7:06 pm
Reviewer: Juventas (Anonymous)
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This was a great continuation of the events in Contrariwise...
How Hermione saw Harry not even attempt to wipe a tear running down his face and her, Ron and Ginny's reaction to not being able to run to him and comfort him... not being able to make sure he was alright.
I loved how Harry clinged to Remus, like He unconsiously knew who he was... that he was safe with him.
I can't wait for more!
Do we get to see Gordon talk to everyone in the kitchen next?
I really don't understand what's going on.. Harry got punished and had to read lines from a book...but then what happened...he just freaked out?
Author's Response: Remember, Lies!Harry is actually empathic. The adults did not expect him to get out of control and started panicking, which only set Harry off. Also, Harry doesn't like being trapped, and he most definitely was. Both of these things led to him having a breakdown, which is why Gordon needed to help him get back to a state where he could communicate.. does that help?
Title: Breakdown
| 15 Feb 2005 6:25 pm
Reviewer: Kateri (Anonymous)
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I so love this story, lots of interesting things going on. Very eager for some more chapters
Title: Breakdown
| 15 Feb 2005 6:08 pm
Reviewer: ckat44 (Anonymous)
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I love this chapter. It is probably my favorite. It is SO PERFECTLY ANGSTY! I can't pick just one moment. I don't have any negative critism for it either. CONTRARIWISE! I really like how Gordon dealt with him and I look forward to conversations to come! I LOVE ANGST! I am always dissapointed by angsty stories. I always want them to be a certain way and feel sometimes if i want them a certain way the only thing i can do is write them myself...not that im the best writer in the world. This story is different though. It is written perfectly and exceeds expectations!
Title: Breakdown
| 15 Feb 2005 2:32 pm
Reviewer: rosiegirl (Anonymous)
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Yah, you updated!!!!!! Thanks so much!! Good chapter, can't wait for the next one. Will we find out more soon?
Author's Response: The Magic 8 Ball (also known as the author) says: Time will tell. ;-) Actually, yes, you will find out more soon, never fear. :-D