Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Lies
Title: Psychology and Psychologist 27 Mar 2006 11:47 am
Reviewer: Kathryn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Snape pretty much got what he deserved.  WHY this is on a Harry/Snape site is beyond me.
Title: Calming Harry 27 Mar 2006 11:14 am
Reviewer: Gershwhen (gershwhen@sbcglobal.net) (Anonymous) [Report This]

    WHY is this on a Harry-Snape site?  There is no interaction beyond abuse!  These people are severely drugging him.  If this was going to go in the line of the corporal punishment stories where everyone gets to abuse Harry "for his own good", I really wish you'd labeled it that way.  Locking him up and drugging him is beyond the pale -- it's like he's been institutionalized in the 1920s.  What's next a lobodomy?

Title: Houdini Tricks 27 Mar 2006 11:03 am
Reviewer: Gershwhen (gershwhen@sbcglobal.net) (Anonymous) [Report This]
    My GOSH this is a frustrating story.  Does ANYONE here think Harry has a brain?  After everything he's been through, the only one who is treating him with any respect is Mr. Weasely and he's gone most of the day.  What Tonks did was beyond criminal -- and the fact that everyone is trying to lock Harry up is as abusive as anything the Dursley's tried.  I'm really hoping that at some point poor Harry explodes and let's them ALL have it.  But the way you're writing him, everyone is going to continue to treat him like a 3 year old and he's not going to actually get any assistance.  I SO want him to runaway -- just so he can get a bit of peace and quiet, and be allowed to exsist without 10 people treating him like an infant.
Title: Breakdown 16 Feb 2006 2:25 am
Reviewer: The Black Tower (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please update
    I realy love this story
    It's got everything I love
    Emo Harry
    Adult screw ups
Title: Breakdown 13 Feb 2006 9:23 pm
Reviewer: queenlyness07 (Anonymous) [Report This]

    I followed your story on fanfic and then finally read your authors note and followed the link.  I hope you continue with this story I enjoy it greatly.  Please update soon.                      Yours

                                                   The Queen

Title: Breakdown 18 Jan 2006 12:25 pm
Reviewer: Earthmom (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I haven't given up hope that you will update this wonderful story, so I check it every so often.  Keep up the good work.
Title: Breakdown 13 Nov 2005 1:07 pm
Reviewer: hydrokitty (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I must say, I absolutely _adore_ this fanfiction. The characters are believable, if occassionally a little extreme, but it all flows very well and it is very enjoyable! You're very good at conveying emotion, so keep it up!
    I'll be back when you write more,
Title: Breakdown 05 Nov 2005 5:37 pm
Reviewer: Pyrochan (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Loving the Story. Will be waiting for an update but I don't care how long it takes just make sure it comes. :D

    I love how well normal harr is behaving for an abused child. well done.

    XD I'm rambling now but it love this fic and keep up the good work.


Title: Breakdown 21 Oct 2005 9:30 pm
Reviewer: dawolfe (Signed) [Report This]
    wheres the next chapter
Title: Celebration 19 Oct 2005 7:20 pm
Reviewer: dawolfe (Signed) [Report This]
    great story

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