Title: Breakdown
| 12 May 2005 2:00 pm
Reviewer: zellion (Anonymous)
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wow that was really good....me and my friend karol read the whoooole story :)
til next time ~zellion~
Title: Breakdown
| 04 May 2005 3:02 pm
Reviewer: barbarataku (Anonymous)
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I understand , somewhat, how hard it is to find time to write with everything else that has to be done. I can only imagine how difficult it is to create something so personal to be viewed by all, AFTER having had to devise the plot, make it editorially correct, and 15 gazillion other things relating to writing that I do not have a clue about. Please just finish the story. Thanks for sharing. Did not rate. Just know that I liked it well enough to look for it periodically at FF and check it out here
Title: Breakdown
| 30 Apr 2005 11:22 pm
Reviewer: mahavishnu (Anonymous)
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Get cracking on more chapters! This is rare, brilliant stuff! It's May! This must be borne towards a conclusion!
Author's Response: I agree entirely. Am endeavoring to get the fic done by the end of May, at least the first draft. Despite many school-related setbacks, I am doing everything I can to beat HBP to the shelves.
Title: Breakdown
| 26 Apr 2005 6:37 pm
Reviewer: shora (Anonymous)
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your fic has been great ^.^ it started out a bit slow but has since become just fab. I started it recently on fanfiction and hope to read more soon.
Title: Breakdown
| 23 Apr 2005 8:59 am
Reviewer: avataris_leonis (Anonymous)
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i think you're insane... brilliant writer and excellent storyteller but still insane... though, aren't all geniuses declared somewhat insane and a bit... wonky?
in all actuality... all i really, REALLY want to know is... when is the next update???
Title: Breakdown
| 22 Apr 2005 11:40 pm
Reviewer: Amones of Magic (Anonymous)
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I HATE the Order right now! They have ABSOLUTELY "NO" common sesne! Even in the series! The book triggered something, something bad and it's no wonder! I was reading that part and not even a 1/4 of the way through I wanted to tourch the papery sucker! I would have said 'Suck my stick! Screw this! I'm outta here!' Then again I'm a stubborn little bitch with an Irish temper and I'm an American. Not a good mix! Especially since I'm a feminist and equal rights activist! Sry, I get off track easy. Okay, I like Gordon and Remus seems to be getting his head out of his ass, but really no one else. I bet they decide to lock him in a small and dark area next time! That'd actually be pretty good. All I can say is that from this story and what I know, this isn't a healthy enviroment for Harry. If the Order keeps this up, I hope Gordon moves Harry to somewhere else and puts restrictions on everyone else! Damn, the Order sounds like a bunch of Commies! Their basically completely left in politics. So far to the Democratic side that their Commies. If you don't know the term. You might, but I just wanted to make sure. I can't wait till your next update and sry if I sounded rude in my other review. I need to look at messages first, so, sorry. This is good and I hope you don't wait FOREVER to update again. Good luck and thanks. :)
Amones of Magic
If tens the highest, that's it, but it not, I give you the highest rating. I just don't know!! It's confusing me!!!
Title: Breakdown
| 22 Apr 2005 7:12 pm
Reviewer: The Wyrd Sister (Anonymous)
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I started reading this on FF.net and I must complain about not being able to finish this there... but this fic's so good that I'd follow you ANYWHERE to read ti... So Keep ubdating!!
Title: Breakdown
| 22 Apr 2005 11:55 am
Reviewer: Quatre Winner (Anonymous)
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Well, after quite a while I finally got around to coming here from ff.net. And I liked this chapter. I really enjoyed it. It was awesome!
Please continue it soon.
Title: Breakdown
| 21 Apr 2005 5:51 pm
Reviewer: lilyoftheearth (Anonymous)
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great job. I hope you update soon!
Title: Breakdown
| 16 Apr 2005 12:27 pm
Reviewer: Suki (Anonymous)
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Very nice chapter, and what i've seen of the site so far (your story chapter) I like! ^^ I hope that the next chapter doesn't take too long! ^^ I don't want to be left hanging! ^^