Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Lies
Title: Breakdown 17 Jul 2023 7:13 am
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    I came back to reread, even knowing it hadn’t been updated in the 8 years since I was last here. Then I thought to see if this was posted elsewhere. Thankfully I did, as I now have at least some idea of the direction your story was going to take. Thank you for adding end notes to ff.net.
Title: Away 10 Jan 2023 12:02 pm
Reviewer: Cayj (Signed) [Report This]
    Its interesting but I honestly thiught he was going to be more angry than . . This. The description just seemed more like he knew he was on his own, the beginning read like he was angry at the others, and he certainly had reason to be. But then he kinda just ... idk melts
Title: Contrariwise 27 Jul 2021 11:38 am
Reviewer: Vadimmom (Signed) [Report This]
    Maybe Weasley traditions don’t work on Potters. I feel like the adults could actually take some time to get to know Harry and his feelings, then life would be better for everyone. Of course this happened in canon too.
Title: Breakdown 24 May 2021 11:45 am
Reviewer: MellarkandArt (Signed) [Report This]
    I know it’s been fifteen years, but I hope you do continue this someday. I really love how you’ve portrayed Harry’s mental health struggles.
Title: Breakdown 24 May 2021 11:17 am
Reviewer: MellarkandArt (Signed) [Report This]
    I know it’s been fifteen years, but I hope you do continue this someday. I really love how you’ve portrayed Harry’s mental health struggles.
Title: Manifestations and Conversations 24 May 2021 7:40 am
Reviewer: MellarkandArt (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg this is an amazing chapter I love Arthur talking to Harry
Title: Breakdown 06 Jun 2020 8:22 am
Reviewer: rowenasheir (Signed) [Report This]
    What if their 'helpful' ideas drive Harry to breaking point where he retracts into himself,to such an extent he is catatonic for months?
Title: Breakdown 06 Jun 2020 8:22 am
Reviewer: rowenasheir (Signed) [Report This]
    What if their 'helpful' ideas drive Harry to breaking point where he retracts into himself,to such an extent he is catatonic for months?
Title: Breakdown 30 Mar 2016 11:49 pm
Reviewer: MoiraRClip (Signed) [Report This]
    I wish you would write more of this! I love the therapy dynamic and how the psychologist is a muggle. I wish there were more of the therapy sessions because they are my favorite parts. I enjoy this story and keep thinking about it throughout the day.
Title: Breakdown 15 Jun 2015 11:38 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    I wish I'd realised this want finished so I'd at least have been prepared.
    Never mind - I shall remain optimistic and follow in the hopes you return to it.

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