Title: Pretending, or A Little Break
| 15 Jul 2005 5:03 am
Reviewer: Verdenia (Signed)
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Oh, that's masterful! Love it! Nice writing style, too, but the implied pretending--I'm guessing that "draco" was actually morph!harry--is brilliant!
Title: Pretending, or A Little Break
| 19 Feb 2005 4:30 am
Reviewer: silent-fire (Anonymous)
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It's totally Harry pretending to be Malfoy. I love it.
Hahaha! so I assume Harry just turned himself in Malfoy, now didn't he? Except, where did the other person go to? Cause I thought there were two people outside, and only Draco/Harry went inside.
Ah, well really like it anyways. Will you still continue writing on FFnet? Cause I have you on author alert there which makes it easier to keep up with all the stories, and I'm afraid I might nog check so often on this site.
Author's Response: Yes, I will still continue posting on FF.net, just probably a little later at first while I try to get people to come here. ;-) You did a good job of figuring out what was going on--Ron got inside while Harry (pretending to be Malfoy) lingered for a moment with the door open. ;-)
Title: Pretending, or A Little Break
| 14 Feb 2005 10:38 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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I liked this story and I did like your new form of writing that you were trying out. I felt like I was watching some nature program about deers in the winter mountains or something. Haha. It is beautifully written but I don't think that anyone is going to get it. Keep it up and when everyone knows enough in Lies to understand, then post a link at the bottom of that chapter for everyone to read. :) 7/10
Author's Response: Yeah, well. Maybe I'll try to explain someday. :-P