Reviews For Surprising Development
Poor Harry, always getting to grasping range of having a family only to have it snatched away at the last minute. Unless his relationship with Snape improves, it's going to be hard learning HE's the 'muggle' father.
Poor Harry. To have a hope of a family but unable to realise it is so sad. Thank you for updating your story Author's Response: Yes, I know. But considering how he grew up, I believe he would struggle with low self-esteem. Thank you for your review!
An interesting twist! Has Harry or his friends considered the possibility that Dobby's magic could be interfering with his recovery? Author's Response: That is an interesting point. Thank you for your review.
Dumbledore needs to ensure his staff takes immediate action to stop to inter-house fighting.
Author's Response: Thank you for your review. I hope it was a good 'unexpected'.
I liked the chapter it was good to have the boys laughing at Diviniation and being normal thank you for updating Author's Response: Thank you! I liked to write Trelawney:) |
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