Reviews For Surprising Development
Wow! Intense scene. I hope Sirius will immediately be ashamed of what he did. Even with Dobby's help, would Harry be able to hide what happened to him? Can Sirius reverse his action? Who will inherit the Potter fortune? Looking forward to seeing the implications of this event. And meanwhile, Hogwarts is tearing itself apart ... Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, there are so many questions...
Author's Response: Thank you!! I'm glad you like the plot.
Awesome work! Author's Response: Thank you!!
Author's Response: Thank you!!
Freaking amazing! I love it!
Wow a brilliant chapter thank you. Hermione has, as usual, got it right, Sirius is the last person to have as DADA teacher in his present frame of mind. Thank you for updating
A house divided against itself ... or, in this case, a school with houses divided against each other ...
Sirius seems a "right git"...can't wait to see how Snape and Harry deal with him! Also, the new spell is cool.
You write the different characters so well - their personalities are so distinct! Author's Response: Thank you. I am glad you like it.
Very dramatic thank you |
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