Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Reading the Signs 29 Jul 2024 6:50 pm
Reviewer: OutriderIvyHill (Signed) [Report This]

    “Well he LIED!  He lied!  That’s not what parents do. Apparently what parents do is die!” yeah so that felt like a punch in the gut

Title: Filling the Void 16 Jul 2023 10:18 am
Reviewer: addxoxo (Signed) [Report This]
    love it
Title: Reading the Signs 29 Aug 2022 4:33 am
Reviewer: raidyn (Signed) [Report This]
    LOVED IT!!
Title: Reading the Signs 20 Feb 2022 2:31 pm
Reviewer: MeAndNotYou1001 (Signed) [Report This]
    I've read this before and maybe I reveiwed and maybe I didn't. I tend to forget a lot. Anyway, I really like it. I live for these kinds of severitus fics.
Title: Reading the Signs 10 May 2021 5:37 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful story
Title: Filling the Void 22 Mar 2021 7:11 pm
Reviewer: MellarkandArt (Signed) [Report This]
    okay so it’s been ten years but I really loved this series XD I love how you write Snape, he’s so kind and funny and ahhhhhh
Title: Reading the Signs 22 Mar 2021 6:05 am
Reviewer: MellarkandArt (Signed) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed this, great story :)
Title: Filling the Void 18 Jul 2020 6:11 pm
Reviewer: hyggale (Signed) [Report This]
    i really love this fic and i hope you'll continue it sometime! even though it's been some years, i know muse can come back at the most unexpected times. but i love the relationship between harry and severus in this fic, and i really hope to see them get to the point where they can call each other father and son comfortably, and perhaps severus legally adopting him instead of just having guardianship? that would make my day to see! anyway, i really love this fic, just as i did the one before it, and i also love the idea of harry using sign language! did/do you plan on him continuing to learn it, so that he becomes rather fluent? what about severus learning it as well, beyond the few signs he sought out for himself? that would be really nice, too, them both knowing that language and being able to communicate privately in crowds or whatever else could arise!
Title: Filling the Void 18 Jul 2020 9:56 am
Reviewer: RhiannanT (Signed) [Report This]
    I just read this series for the second or third time and I still love it!! I know it's been almost ten years since you updated, but I'm working on my Bastard Prince story at the moment so I have some hope? No pressure though. One of the things that makes it hard for me to write is any feeling of guilt or shame about a story. Life happens! Don't feel bad!! But I really do love this story and would love to see more of it if you've still got any interest in continuing it. :)
Title: Reading the Signs 07 May 2020 10:32 am
Reviewer: NoK (Signed) [Report This]
    I really like your Snape.
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