Title: Lifebain
| 18 Jan 2014 5:58 pm
Reviewer: Kyoko (Anonymous)
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Weeellll ... is this supposed to be a parody? If not, I must say, I find this to be really unrealistic. Harry being expelled when he need protection thr most. The DE finding out that Snape is his father due to a completely random test, then Harry just killing Voldemort...
I liked the idea of Snape finding out that Harry is his son during a critical time, but this was really a bit rushed/unrealistic/
Title: Lifebain
| 17 Feb 2011 9:27 pm
Reviewer: no just no (Anonymous)
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Title: Lifebain
| 16 Oct 2008 10:18 pm
Reviewer: ella (Anonymous)
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Title: Lifebain
| 06 Jul 2008 6:53 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade (Anonymous)
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Nice story! Makes me wish there was more.
could you write a sequal? this story sounds really good. I've read this so many times, and every time I think that a sequal would be SO nice. Please think about it? I know this probably isnt the first time someone asked you, but could you reconsider? pretty please? :D
nice! are you gonna continue it? i like it!
Title: Lifebain
| 15 Apr 2006 6:24 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous)
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A unique solution to a tricky problem! Congratulations on thinking it up!
Title: Lifebain
| 23 Sep 2005 9:17 am
Reviewer: demonaMalfoy16 (Anonymous)
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This would be a great novel length fic if you choose to do so
Title: Lifebain
| 30 Apr 2005 9:51 am
Reviewer: strange little pony (Anonymous)
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Well...It was nice, but the Harry is dead part, could be worked a little on, it sounded parody like.
Other then that:Are you planning on continuing?
Title: Lifebain
| 31 Mar 2005 8:50 pm
Reviewer: Iniysa (Anonymous)
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Thanky you for your reviews. I wrote this story a long time ago and I agree with everything. The "Did it" scene is crude and the HP/SS did happen to fast, but it was supposed to be a short story. Someday when I have some spare time I will go through and fix it up a bit. I had fixed it quite a bit before I posted it but forgot to save and just didn't have any time left to do it again when the post did not go through. :)