Wow this was good and beautiful. This was so full of emotion,and you wrote as such that the readers could relate with the characters and their emotions. Im glad snape didn't die, i also felt sad for abit like harry did. Yes severus is back alive!
You should write a sequal to this, well done and a enjoyable read.
Title: Consequences
| 15 Jun 2005 6:46 pm
Reviewer: Gershwhen (Anonymous)
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This was very angsty and intense! A very creative try with several things I've never seen in use before :-)
You may want to consider having someone review your grammar, but the story was an enjoyable read.
Title: Consequences
| 17 May 2005 3:00 am
Reviewer: Miss Insane (Anonymous)
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Title: Consequences
| 14 May 2005 9:42 pm
Reviewer: Zigflorian (Anonymous)
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Title: Consequences
| 11 May 2005 5:37 pm
Reviewer: Kateri (Anonymous)
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Wow, this was a really great story. Very enjoyable all told and a nice take on Azkaban!Harry
Loved it!!! great story! Happy ending. :D
Title: Consequences
| 11 May 2005 4:01 pm
Reviewer: nljfs (Anonymous)
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I love this story -- but I found a missing word -- ARGGH!!!
While I liked the ritual -- As for the site you got the ritual from -- there are a LOT of mistakes on it, and that's just from reading the first paragraph...
I guess my hobby of archaology / anthropology is dampening my openmindedness!
One -- there are LOTS of pagan burials and cemetaries -- and there are a number of pagan funeral rites still extant...
I'd suggest a reading of Latin, Greek and Egyptian literature for the classic mediteranian versions!
BTW -- Pagan is a term that really means someone that is not a monotheist... it is not a religion!!! Most classical pagans were very open to any new & interesting or old and interesting god or goddess... some believed that they were tied to their own places or areas -- e.g. Delphi / Apollo, and others that they went with the believer & yet others believed that some gods were place tied (this includes, Yahwe -- Jewish / Christian god -- the closer to Mt. Zion & the temple, the greater his glory) and other gods were not.
I just get really urked at all the bad religion & cultural understanding that there is out there!
Title: Consequences
| 11 May 2005 4:01 pm
Reviewer: nljfs (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
I love this story -- but I found a missing word -- ARGGH!!!
While I liked the ritual -- As for the site you got the ritual from -- there are a LOT of mistakes on it, and that's just from reading the first paragraph...
I guess my hobby of archaology / anthropology is dampening my openmindedness!
One -- there are LOTS of pagan burials and cemetaries -- and there are a number of pagan funeral rites still extant...
I'd suggest a reading of Latin, Greek and Egyptian literature for the classic mediteranian versions!
BTW -- Pagan is a term that really means someone that is not a monotheist... it is not a religion!!! Most classical pagans were very open to any new & interesting or old and interesting god or goddess... some believed that they were tied to their own places or areas -- e.g. Delphi / Apollo, and others that they went with the believer & yet others believed that some gods were place tied (this includes, Yahwe -- Jewish / Christian god -- the closer to Mt. Zion & the temple, the greater his glory) and other gods were not.
I just get really urked at all the bad religion & cultural understanding that there is out there!