Don't think I have ever read anything like this before. Liked it! :)
ummm....i suppose this was a good story just not believable from harry's point of view. you have completely dismissed the effects of torture and it's lasting repercussions. no torture victim is ever going to "respect" their torturer especially when they go to great lengths to recreate the scene. betrayal by both snape and dumbledore would be the very least of his feelings. being forced to thank and be cared for by one's torturer in a prison cell is just ludicrous.
why in the world is snape keeping harry in a prison cell and where is poppy as dumbles promised?
Very powerful piece - wow!
another excellant chapter. hope the fever breaks soon
this story is wonderful so far! must read more!
Why did Snape put him in there?
Title: Apology
| 24 Jul 2008 1:21 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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erm...ok? A bit confused by the ending there....
I was confused by the ending. After reading it a few times, I can only speculate that Snape tortured Harry on Voldemort's orders. Then Dumbledore erased his memory because otherwise Snape would have refused to treat him. Even if I'm right, I'm still not clear on why Snape would refuse to treat Harry if he knew he was responsible for Harry's condition.
However, I liked that Snape and Harry didn't have a big heart-to-heart at the end. I especially liked:
"Snape had no desire to explain his actions to Potter"
"Some things can never be set right"
They have an ambiguous relationship and it's great when authors reflect that.
There's a certain style to your writing that I really enjoy. Good luck and may your muse stay with you!
Title: Just Another Brick in the Wall
| 18 Jan 2008 1:06 am
Reviewer: Malora (Signed)
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I love the little descriptive words and phrases you've placed in your story. From the dungeon walls to the bowl of broth, you have little touches that make the story more vivid in my mind's eye. Like when "Harry hurled the creamy, white bowl into the dungeon wall. The unfinished broth trailed down the uneven surface."
However, Snape runs a little too hot and cold. I realize he has a quick temper, but there were times when the change happened too quickly. There was one point where he "shoved the bowl of broth into Harry’s hands and set the cup of mint tea gently on the floor," and the switch from angry to kind was too fast and jarring for me.
Anyway, I'm enjoying this story very much. I like the creepy flashbacks and the air of mystery surrounding them. Thank you for sharing your story!