Title: Chapter 5
| 30 Jul 2005 2:59 pm
Reviewer: Trinity 101 (Anonymous)
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Very wonderful story! I love it because Sev isn't evil! *happy dance* Actually I just love it in general because of the storyline and the depiction of characters. Get the next chappie out soon! Wonderful job! Toodles, noodles and snickerdoodles!
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm updating as fast as I can. I have three kids to parent too. ;)
Title: Chapter 5
| 30 Jul 2005 1:22 pm
Reviewer: Kelsey (Anonymous)
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This story wouldn't happen to be on Fanfiction would it? I'm going to look it up. Good job so far.
Author's Response: It is, same penname, same title. :D Thanks
Title: Chapter 3
| 26 Jul 2005 1:38 pm
Reviewer: Ashley (Anonymous)
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i really like the story so far. it definitely kept me glued to the screen and there was much detail. it was very good. please continue and update soon!
Author's Response: Thanks, and I plan to update at least once a week.
Title: Chapter 1
| 26 Jul 2005 12:56 pm
Reviewer: Glorfindel (Anonymous)
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Snape, innocent?
Author's Response: Innocent, no. Just not guilty.