Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Feline trouble
Title: Cat's Eye View 09 Jan 2022 6:57 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Fun story
Title: Cat's Eye View 09 Jan 2022 6:48 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Great start to your story. I was delighted to see a sequel had been written to your initial hilarious one-shot.
Title: Strange Day in Kitchen Corridor 09 Jan 2022 6:42 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Totally hilarious one-shot! I’m still chuckling as I type
Title: Strange Day in Kitchen Corridor 16 Jul 2016 10:58 am
Reviewer: yokishko (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG that was hilarious!

    Author's Response: TftR. Surprised that this old thing is still getting reviews.
Title: Cat's Eye View 20 Apr 2016 7:00 am
Reviewer: PharaohsLoyalMagician (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliant! Amazing. I love how Petunia is in here and how Draco and Harry became friends. As well as how he stood up to his father. I also love how you have written Professor Snape in here. The ending I enjoyed a lot. It's perfect. I think you've written a beautiful story. I know my twin is going to love this. You're a wonderful author and writer. Cheers and ta for writing and posting this. It's definitely more than a 10.

    Author's Response: Again, you flatter me. TftR so much; you don't know how much a kind word can mean to someone. Or perhaps you do. I have other stories that you are free to read, btw.
Title: Strange Day in Kitchen Corridor 19 Apr 2016 6:12 am
Reviewer: PharaohsLoyalMagician (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliant!! I absolutely loved it! A 12 for sure. You're a brilliant author and writer.
Title: Cat's Eye View 22 Dec 2015 8:31 am
Reviewer: lilyflower101 (Signed) [Report This]
    I love it!!!! :)
Title: Strange Day in Kitchen Corridor 22 Dec 2015 7:48 am
Reviewer: lilyflower101 (Signed) [Report This]
    Ha-ha. Poor Snapey-poo. :)
Title: Strange Day in Kitchen Corridor 03 Aug 2015 3:46 pm
Reviewer: bluecreeper (Anonymous) [Report This]
Title: Strange Day in Kitchen Corridor 05 Mar 2014 4:08 pm
Reviewer: greenwings33 (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm dying!!

    Author's Response: Don't do that! Medic, we have a person dying from over-laughter! Anyway, TftR.
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