Wow, I quite like this! Beautifully crafted.
Well, this was a miserable little tale, wasn't it? And who would have thought Severus would succumb and opt for the 'easy' way out? Great read though! I enjoyed it despite wishing the both of them would suck up their courage and strength. Only crit : you cannot transfigure or magically produce food or drink (other than water) - otherwise Mereope Gaunt wouldn't have needed to hock Slytherin's ring... Excellent job - thanks for sharing. misundersnape...
wow! totally brillant! i love the mannner in wich you chose to write this. i know i have a hard time with writing in "stream of concious" form, but you've pulled it off wonderfully!
Very powerful, moving story... I love the idea of Snape and Harry hating each other, and yet understanding each other so well, becuase of it.
Title: Home
| 17 Jan 2007 4:42 pm
Reviewer: SeVeRUs (Anonymous)
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wow. thats all i can say.
Title: Home
| 15 Nov 2006 12:55 pm
Reviewer: akblake (Anonymous)
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LOL, it's hard to read this and not picture Dr. House (though his personality is more Snape than Harry)! This is definitely one that's being added to my 'library' of offline fics, and I appreciate how self-sufficient our Harry is :)
Title: Home
| 19 Oct 2006 6:02 pm
Reviewer: Rezallia (Anonymous)
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That was awesome! ::flaps at herself to evade tearfulness (you know the stupid hand-flapping I'm talking about):: And I think you did a good job with the first person! :)
I have to say that I really liked this fic...very well written, and in a hard style too! I just have one question....did you get the idea for Harry's injury from the TV show House?? Great overall! Taru