Eccentric Old Codger by Whimsy
In which Dumbledore delights in confusing and/or embarrassing all and sundry - but particularly his 'boys'. This may be in a misguided attempt to give them a common goal (such as to find out what is going on), for his own amusement, for the purpose of providing them with a humorous counter-balance to all the horrible things they've experienced, or because someone tampered with his lemon drops (or possibly removed them). Other reasons are also possible, but if the lemon drop option is selected, it would be interesting if his lemon drops contained some kind of medication - perhaps it's the only way he can be convinced to take his medicine? Things I would like to see (Please pick at least three): More random words along the lines of Harry's first year's welcoming speech, the more esoteric the better. Bonus points for words from other languages (he's supposed to be multilingual, after all) or from old and/or middle English. Callipygian is a good example, and means a rather shapely and beautifully proportioned rear end. Context is optional; there does not need to be any at all. Sock thefts/swaps/gifts/all of the above. Bonus points for socks that glow (for Severus), and detailed reactions to embarrassing socks. Dumbledore on a trampoline (this is optional, but after seeing Dumbledore's Flying Kick by lilette on deviantArt, I had to mention it.) Dumbledore giving either Severus or Harry (or both) a stuffed animal of some description, possessing some form of magical property that the recipient/s have no knowledge of, but which could be construed as beneficial in the long run and/or the short term. Perhaps linking dreams, or simply soothing. Dumbledore informs Severus that there is a Basilisk corpse and several shed skins (mountains of near-priceless ingredients) in the Chamber of Secrets, but that he must acquire Harry's permission to access it, as it was he who killed it and he who is able to open the chamber. Severus is informed, preferably by way of some form of riddle or sly implication, that Harry was nearly a Slytherin. Harry is informed that Severus has some of his mother's old possessions. Dumbledore gets cheerfully drunk and teaches the students some silly campfire songs at one of the feasts, and attempts to convince Severus to sing along, to Harry's mixed emotions. Bonus points for detailed description of Minerva and Draco's reactions. Dumbledore insists on a camping excursion on the grounds, and that the Heads of House must supervise their rival House for the duration. Excuses may include morale building, inter-House cooperation, and survival training. Needless to say, marshmallows are mandatory. Dumbledore gets students to write reviews of their teachers and their learning under them - on truth-enchanted parchment. Reasonable insults are not filtered out. What I would rather not see: Evil or Dark Dumbledore - this is primarily a humour challenge. Extreme OOC in principle characters (apart from Dumbledore, if it's part of his meddling). Character Death or other serious warnings. Character Bashing. I hope this challenge amuses rather than exasperates.Suggested Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Dumbledore [Report This] Albus Dumbledore overdoses on his medication and ends up with the mind of a child. Mayhem ensues.
Takes Place: 6th Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape Tags: Deaging Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Chapters: 2 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 14 Mar 2014 / 14 Mar 2014 Series: None - Challenges: Eccentric Old Codger |
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