Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 7 17 Feb 2008 10:31 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    I was crying at the end of this chapter where Molly tells Severus that all parents make mistake and they just have to forgive themselves and go on.

    You're doing a great job with this story!
Title: Chapter 16 17 Feb 2008 9:03 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    As usual, a wonderful chapter! Sounds like you've been quite busy lately and I hope things will get better for you! :)
Title: Chapter 16 17 Feb 2008 12:46 am
Reviewer: kittykat91419 (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting. Given some of the information I've seen, most people believe Dumbledore was aware of the switch in secret keepers, and he would be aware of Black's lack of guilt, at least with the regards to the secret keeper issue. I'm curious if this was a built in part of the story, or not.

    Author's Response: Hi kittykat, . . . I've only seen the idea that Dumbles knew about the switch of Secret Keeper in fanon, not canon.  As far as I can tell, Sirius said they (he, James and Peter) told no one else of the switch, not even Remus, which is why he thought Sirius was guilty, as well.  Regardless, in my story, Dumbles did not know of the switch.  Thanks for the review!
Title: Chapter 16 17 Feb 2008 12:31 am
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    So Sirius escaped early. I'd like to see how you explain that. Then again, everything else in the story is speeded up. Harry doesn't seem to be getting better. I don't know how Sirius is going to help. Nor can I possibly imagine how Harry's run-ins with the Dementors could possibly be anything but disasterous!!! But it is a well written chapter, as always.

    Author's Response: Hi Harriverse . . . thanks for the review!  How/why Sirius escaped early will be explained in the next few chapters.  As for Harry getting better . . . you have to remember that it's only been a bit more than a month since he was rescued from the Dursleys.  He's had a lot of changes to deal with in that short time, and he has a lot of issues to deal with, the possibility of abandonment merely being one of them.  Thanks again . . . --jharad17
Title: Chapter 16 16 Feb 2008 10:54 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I'M SO HAPPY YOU UPDATED! I LOVE this story, waiting so long for this chapter was pure torture. This chapter was very emotional, excellant work. Poor Harry and Severus, misunderstandings are rough. Sorry to hear about you having all that bad luck. PLEASE try to post again soon though!
Title: Chapter 16 16 Feb 2008 9:06 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Poor Harry...poor Severus...and where's Tree while Harry's at school?

    Author's Response:

    Hi Deco,

    Tree will be outisde, playing and hunting, or in Severus' quarters.  Thanks for the review!

Title: Chapter 16 16 Feb 2008 7:29 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter. I loved Snape's frustration as he was delayed from going to Harry, and then that turning into fear and resignation when he thinks he's to be arrested, and then even greater fear as he thinks Sirius has escaped to kill Harry.
Title: Chapter 16 16 Feb 2008 7:27 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, and I meant to say that I hope you feel better soon, and good luck with the new job!

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Chapter 16 16 Feb 2008 7:25 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! I felt so bad for Harry and Severus. I could just feel Severus' frustration when Albus kept him from returning on time...as a parent, you want so much to keep promises to your children, but now and again circumstances get out of your control. Of course, that's hard for a young child to understand because parents are supposed to be all-powerful, to their mind anyway. And of course, Harry's past, with all its terrible abuse, just makes it so hard for him to trust anyone in the first place, and to believe that anyone could really want him.

    I feel sorry for the Weasleys too. Though Molly knew Harry has been abused, I'm not sure they really understood how damaged Harry is til now, and they've got to be feeling so helpless and out of their depth. I do hope they'll be able to help Severus and Harry, though.

    I can't wait to see where you go with the Sirius storyline. Is he innocent in your version? If so, that will really freak Severus out when he realises that Peter Pettigrew/Scabbers is the true danger. Good job on capturing the sense of panic and terror that everyone felt on the news of Sirius' escape.

    Author's Response:

    Hi Kristeh,

    You're absolutely right about Molly and the rest of the Weasleys.  Molly tries her best, and she knows good stuff about raising children, but she has never dealt with any child with Harry's level of damage. She will continue to be a good support for Severus, though.

    You wrote: I can't wait to see where you go with the Sirius storyline. Is he innocent in your version?

    Yes.  And yes, there will be trauma, drama and angst to go along with his introduction to this story, naturally.  ;-)  After all, he was named Harry's legal guardian by James, right?  Right?  (He doesn't know the truth about Harry's parentage yet, of course.)

    Thanks for your review!


Title: Chapter 16 16 Feb 2008 7:09 pm
Reviewer: Lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Sorry to hear about the problems you have been having but even with all of these issues you still managed to write a great chapter. That scene in the end when Snape finally came to Harry had me teary. Awesome update.

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