I just had to come back for another read, even though it’s unfinished.
I'm so sorry you never came back to this; it's an incredibly *good* story!
Harry & Severus' interactions are wonderful! As difficult as trying to talk with Harry is at times, he never loses his patience and allows Harry his "moments".
You should be very proud of this story; I felt honored to read it!
Thank you for sharing this with us! I hope you are well and continuing to write. You have talent that should not be shut away! May the Lord bless you and keep you! MelJ
Aww I thought it was slytherin harry
Lovely story(as it happens I am autistic too 😊), I hope you continue it someday :)
Aaaaaaaaaaah I re-read this story every couple of months. It is brilliant. Both in how Harry’s character does not fall into the cliches, and how Snape’s perspective can evolve and he can learn about Autism at a realistic pace. And how the bullying is represented. I don’t have the words, beyond “it’s awesome”. I hope to see this story continued some day. Good luck on this and everything else!
I couldn't resist coming back. I sincerely hope you continue this one day.
Please continue this, it's a lovely story
Title: Chapter 15
| 18 May 2016 3:58 am
Reviewer: Jussara (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Very good story. You are a very good writer.
Title: Chapter 15
| 14 May 2016 2:55 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Thank you a wonderful chapter especially how Harry reacted to the news