*Sigh* I do so wish that you'd have been able to continue this story. You had a truly amazing first 5 chapters; these alone put paid to the idea of Rowling as nothing more than a fumble-fingered Charleton! Your characters are well-drawn and clearly defined and I find your dialogue exquisite! I'm particularly disheartened to report that my greatest failing is the ability to write *good* dialogue, so when I read stories with dialogue that "sings" I *have* to make sure the writer is aware of the rarity of the ability *and* how much they've surpassed every day, "good enough"!
I have this "bookmarked" on FFN, but had to read it again on finding it here as well!
I truly hope that you are well and are continuing to write for pleasure in some capacity; you have talent and it would be a shame to know that it's being hidden under a bushel basket!
Take care and bless you for what you have shared with us! Thank you! MelJ
i hope they take down dumbledick soon.
Title: First Day
| 03 Mar 2014 12:55 am
Reviewer: JB (Anonymous)
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This is a very good story so far! I hope your migraines have gotten better.
Title: The Express and Sorting
| 02 Apr 2013 1:07 am
Reviewer: dancer (Anonymous)
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I love it and hope you continue writing this fic. My guess is Dumbles is behind a lot of this not so good stuff and Voldie isn't as bad as he's painted. Looking forward to seeing if I'm right or wrong. Either way, thanks for a good read.
Title: First Day
| 31 Mar 2013 4:22 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Fantastic chapter! Love the way Harry and Severus' relationship is developing and can't wait to see how Dumbledore is going to react. Loved the new style potions lesson very good educationally!
Title: First Day
| 31 Mar 2013 4:22 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Fantastic chapter! Love the way Harry and Severus' relationship is developing and can't wait to see how Dumbledore is going to react. Loved the new style potions lesson very good educationally!
Great take on the story- really interesting to read.
Title: First Day
| 27 Mar 2013 11:53 pm
Reviewer: Chelle (Anonymous)
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Fantastic story with a twist. I have seen the good Voldy stories but not quite like this. Looking forward to the next update.
Title: First Day
| 26 Mar 2013 1:03 pm
Reviewer: GirlJonah (Anonymous)
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Bravo. I look forward to the next chapters.