I really liked the backstory sandwiched between the current moments as they unfolded. And what beautiful moments they were. I would loved to have seen how Snape approached Harry at the end, but can certainly imagine it!
Incredible story! It leaves me hopeful but also angry.
I do want to thank you: That's *exactly* what I'd expect from Dumblef***; in ff or in canon! He's an evil MOB and the (true) villain of the books, no matter what the "fans" may think!
Good, but heartbreaking one-shot! Thanks! MelJ
OH. MY. GOODNESS. I'm practically crying. This was amazing.
That was amazing, but heartbreaking.
I got teary-eyed. I would love to see (and read) this story if you decide to continue to write it.
Great story.
Aw, this was so well-written! Please continue soon. I loved the premise and the character development.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I don't know if I'm going to continue, yet. But thanks so much for the positive feedback! :)
Title: Melodies and Revelations
| 03 Jan 2015 6:56 pm
Reviewer: Abie (Signed)
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I'm so glad to see that you responded to my challenge! This was so heartbreaking, can't Harry catch a break? I hope you go further with this.
Author's Response: Maybe I will go further, I don't know yet. I loved your challenge, and I thought it was really creative! Thank YOU for such a great idea! :D