Reviews For Whelp II -- The Wrath of Snape
Keep writing! ;-) Author's Response: Thanks for the review! "Keep writing!" I certainly will, till they pry the keyboard from my cold, dead fingers. ;-)
Author's Response: 'Zactly. He knows his priorities. Thanks for the review!
now the wrath of snape is coming... i didn't know why you had named the fiction until the last chapter! Author's Response: Yeah, it was a long time coming, but now it's clear, innit? I mean, what else would set of his rage? Filch's threats at the start of the story were mere precursors of what was to come. Thanks for the review!
My heart broke for Severus...I can only imagine how he feels right now. For him, it's his worst nightmare. I loved how he was so worried about Harry thinking that Severus would have lied to him. And oh, could Sirius have found a better way to threaten Harry than by saying he would tie him up? And he's calling Harry 'boy' too. Sirius doesn't know what memories he's bringing back for Harry, but my goodness...that poor little boy. I hope Albus and Severus will find Harry soon, and I hope Treacle Tart is all right! Author's Response: Treacle's just fine. I'd never hurt a cat (or cat-cousin)! Yeah, Sirius found each of Harry's buttons (without meaning to) and pushed them one after the other. Severus is going to have a hard time settling himself -- and Harry -- down after this, with ever believing they're safe. He is heartbroken, but he's pushing through that to do what he needs to to get his son back. Thanks for the review, Kristeh!
Author's Response: Thanks!
WooHoo for Harry standing up to Sirius and yelling at him. Looks like that Snape temper is coming out. I thought that Severus really is Harry's father - was there a blood adoption? Author's Response: There was a blood adoption, though only Snape and Dumbledore know that Harry is really Sev's son, even without it. Harry doesn't even know. Yet. But yes, he does have quite a temper on him, doesn't he? Snape will be so proud, you know, after he uses Sirius' guts for garters. (And doesn't that just bring images to the eyes?!)
Author's Response: Thanks! |
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