Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

As It Began by Finny
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Series summary: When Severus Snape reluctantly goes to fetch Harry from the Dursley's, he is forced to realize that perhaps the Boy Who Lived is not the type that he thought he was. When Harry gets involved in the plot to steal the Philosopher's Stone, will Snape help him or stand in his way? Snape mentors/adopts Harry.

Parent Series: None Challenges: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian SnapeTags: Adoption
Warnings: NoneMain Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco
Takes place: 1st summer before Hogwarts, 2nd summer, 3rd summerOpen or Closed Series: Closed
5 Stories in Series

When Severus Snape reluctantly goes to fetch Harry from the Dursley's, he is forced to realize that perhaps the Boy Who Lived is not the type that he thought he was. When Harry gets involved in the plot to steal the Philosopher's Stone, will Snape help him or stand in his way? Snape mentors/adopts Harry.

Takes Place: 1st summer before Hogwarts, 1st Year - Snape flavour: None
Tags: Adoption
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 27 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 15 Feb 2014 / 07 Feb 2014
Series: As It Began - Challenges: None

Sequel to As It Began; As Harry begins his second year at Hogwarts with Severus as his guardian, he is not expecting something to threaten the school and the people he loves. Will he be able to unravel the mystery before the damage become irreversible?

Takes Place: 2nd Year - Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 21 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 22 Feb 2014 / 15 Feb 2014
Series: As It Began - Challenges: None

Sequel to Screams and Whispers; When Harry returns to Hogwarts for his third year, things are looking better than before. That is, with the exception of Sirius Black being on the loose. Also, Severus has been a long time enemy of both the fugitive and the new Defense teacher. Will Harry be able to overcome Severus's biased influence to find out the truth?

Takes Place: 3rd Year - Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 23 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 11 Mar 2014 / 22 Feb 2014
Series: As It Began - Challenges: None

Sequel to A Travesty; In his fourth year, Harry is unwittingly entered into the Triwizard Tournament. Forced to compete, Harry must find his way at Durmstrang while trying to avoid the dark influences that could be responsible for his being there. The end of the year may just bring the end of Harry's innocence as things take a turn towards the dark.

Takes Place: 4th Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 48 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 02 Jul 2014 / 11 Mar 2014
Series: As It Began - Challenges: None

Sequel to Child of Innocence. With Harry's fifth year comes the return of Voldemort: ominous news for both Harry and Severus. Coupled with the oppression of the Ministry of Magic, Harry's fifth year is not shaping up to be much better than his last. With Severus's help, can he manage to defy the Ministry and convince the Wizarding world of Voldemort's return?

Takes Place: 5th Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 4 - Completed: No - Updated: 12 Jul 2015 / 02 Jul 2014
Series: As It Began - Challenges: None

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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